Grade 8

Year Long Summary

Stability and change is a crosscutting concept that connects the units of study in Grade 8. Students investigate the changes in the motion of an object when forces are applied to that object. Students also learn that there are predictable patterns in the motion of planets and celestial bodies in the solar system maintained by gravitational forces. They develop models to explain phases of the moon and seasons on Earth. Students observe that when ecosystems are stable, organisms find habitats, nutrients, and weather conditions suitable for living. Changes in climate and other factors, however, may affect the ecosystem in a way that requires organisms to respond in ways to ensure this survival. Students also learn that stability in the genetic sequence leads to continuity of life on this planet. Patterns in the genetic sequence contain encrypted instructions to form structures that will enable organisms to be successful in the habitat in which they live. Genetic codes ensure stability and the preservation of species. Changes through mutations guarantee genetic variation which leads to diversity within a species, but may also lead to the extinction of others. The study of evolution and the mechanism of natural selection provides the grounds for students to gather evidence that will help them develop an understanding of why some species are similar, and how organisms change over time. Modern society has created technological tools that enabled a greater understanding of our world. Technology has also allowed scientists to respond to issues threatening the diversity of life on Earth, as well as helping to develop solutions to increase the quality of life for communities in need around the globe. Students have opportunities to investigate how technology has increased our ability to communicate on a global level and to compare the effectiveness of analog and digital technology tools. This knowledge will allow students to propose the design of new devices or modify current ones to solve problems or that may provide necessary and beneficial changes to communities in need.