ᴤᴛᴅ ʟᴀʙ


Our mission is to spread STDs to the world while developing new ones.

We do many things to help our locale minorities, just look at em now.

Culture respect

These were once city children now we've put them back in their home country, we respect their cultures.

Free housing

We pride ourselves on free housing for these poor refugees, paid for by Mexican immigrants.

Anti terrorism

We do not tolerate terrorists invading and brain washing the minorities that we are helping.

Wanted by at least 3 countries

We here at ᴤᴛᴅ ʟᴀʙ pride ourselves by doing what no-one else wants to do. you can see this by the constant backlash from world leaders. Our extensive "criminal" record reaches out to our communities hearts.

Unorthodox methods

We here at ᴤᴛᴅ ʟᴀʙ don't like to take shit from foreign governments or even our own. Our outside of the box thinking provides creative and unique solutions to solve "unfavorable" situations.

This depicts our peace worker, Tyrone, assisting our white communities

Join our constant struggle to end racism and homophobia.