Frequently Asked Questions


Matthew 7:7

What if I have a conflict with the preparation process?

We urge you to contact us as soon as you are made aware of the conflict. We will work with you to try and find a solution that works for everyone.

What about Confirmation names?

We strongly suggest that candidates use the names given to them at Baptism since Confirmation is grounded in our Baptism. Neither the Rite of Confirmation nor the Code of Canon Law refers to the custom of choosing a “Confirmation Name.” The Rite simply refers to the candidate being called by name, the presumption being they are called by the name given at the time of Baptism.

Where will Confirmation be celebrated?

In 2019, we were able to hold a Confirmation liturgy at St. Bernadette Parish, but that is not guaranteed for every year. The bishops Confirm hundreds of young people each year, in addition to all of their other duties. In order to lessen the burden somewhat, smaller groups of candidates throughout the Archdiocese are invited to celebrate the Sacrament together on Pentecost at the Cathedral of Mary Our Queen. It is possible that we will celebrate Confirmation in this way in spring 2020, unless the Bishops' office is able to grant us an exception to celebrate closer to home. We will share the decision of Bishops' office as soon as we are informed. The key message is that we are all One Body in Christ, all empowered by the same Holy Spirit. We are Baptized (and Confirmed!) into the Church as a whole, not just into a parish. No matter where we celebrate, the Confirmed will always have a home here at St. Bernadette!

What is the difference between the Justice Encounter and the Parish Ministry Apprenticeship?

The purpose of the Justice Encounter is to “go deeper” and really connect with a vulnerable person or persons through your service. Your Parish Ministry Apprenticeship is meant to be an introduction to an ongoing ministry in our parish, a way of “trying on” or seeing “behind the scenes” of a particular ministry. The Parish Ministry you choose to “try on” may be concerned with social justice, but because you are focusing on the reality of serving as part of the team which facilitates the ministry, your experience will be different than if you had simply served at a particular event or in a particular way, as facilitated by that ministry.

What if it is time to celebrate Confirmation and I feel it is the wrong time for me to be Confirmed?

Know that if you choose to postpone preparation or wait to celebrate the Sacrament, you are not "behind." Confirmation is not about an age or a grade level, but about how God is working in your life right now. Once out of high school, the Confirmation process occurs differently, but many adults are Confirmed in their 20s, 30s...even their 90s! It is never too late! (If you or someone you know is an adult interested in being Confirmed, contact Dan Miller at dmiller@stbernadette.org to get started.)

How will I know if I have “completed preparation”?

We are not looking for a certain number of “service hours,” or for information you have memorized (though neither of those is a bad thing!). The process provides Christ-focused opportunities for discerning, exploring, and experimenting for your benefit (not to keep a steady flow of paperwork coming through the Youth Office!). We are interested in whether you feel you have gotten out of the Confirmation process what you wanted, and in supporting who you are feeling called to be after receiving the Sacrament!

If you are genuinely engaged with the process, you will have “done enough.” The goal is not to “complete preparation,” but to continue to grow in faith throughout your whole life!

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