
Personal, Social & Emotional

We aim to create a warm and friendly environment, where children, will feel safe, valued, happy and comfortable to be themselves. We try to allow the children to be as independent as possible but encourage them to ask for help when it is needed.


Each class has a well resourced book area, signs and posters, displays etc, for children to access. Stories are read on regular basis. Children have several opportunities to recognise their names. There are many areas where children can mark make and develop their writing skills.

Expressive Arts and Design

At each session we aim to provide several different craft and art activities, including painting, cutting, chalking, drawing, sticking (2 and 3D). Singing is always included and we have a large range of musical instruments. Children can access several role play areas.

Communication and Language

Children are encouraged to talk throughout the morning, in one to one situations with adults, in small groups and large groups with adults and to each other. All activities set out have opportunities for group play, thus encouraging the children to speak to each other.

Understanding of the World

During the session there are many activities for the children to explore scientifically. The natural world is represented in the outdoor environment. Plus the children have access to a range of posters, minibeast toys, books and puzzles reflecting nature. Children are able to work on computer, learning IT skills. They are given opportunities to talk about their homes, families and experiences.


There are opportunities to work with number, shape, space, measures and calculations throughout the sessions using resources such as, books, puzzles, sand, water, building sets, computers, construction sets, role play and small world sets and through stories, songs and rhymes.

Physical Development

We have 2 outdoor areas where children can develop their physical skills on large and small apparatus and equipment. There is scope for developing physical skills such as cutting, threading, holding pencils, brushes, manipulating objects, etc, through-out the session using a vast range of resources.