NASA Bylaws

Current Bylaws

Bylaws of the National Association of State Archaeologists, revised February 24,2022







Name and Definitions

The name of this organization shall be the National Association of State Archaeologists which also may be referred to herein as NASA or Association. “State” as used in this document is meant as inclusive of the District of Columbia and all states, territories, and possessions of the United States. NASA recognizes that the nature of appointment, funding, and authority of each state archaeologist may vary according to state-specific rules, regulations, and opportunities and these bylaws are intended to respect and embrace this diversity without implying undue constraint or requirement on the membership.


Parliamentary Authority

The rules contained in the current edition of Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised shall govern the Association in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with these bylaws and any special rule of order the Association may adopt. In addition to adopting Robert's Rules of Order, to further supplement and clarify the bylaws NASA authorizes the acceptance of Standing rules. Standing rules are rules or resolutions that are of a continuing (or standing) nature. These rules deal only with administrative matters and function under the umbrella of NASA's bylaws. Standing rules under these NASA Bylaws include, but are not limited to, a common acceptance that discussions of a general nature at a membership or regional meeting may be moderated by any member in attendance (in-person, virtual, or other accepted means), and that informally a plurality of the members at a meeting may allow a guest or non-member to participate in a discussion of a general nature. It is recommended that the Executive Committee keep a list of Standing rules that are adopted by a formal vote or accepted through common practice.



The purpose of this Association shall be to facilitate non-binding communication among State Archaeologists and thereby to contribute to the conservation of cultural resources and to the solution of problems in the profession. Consensus views of NASA will be communicated by the duly elected resident to governmental agencies and organizations concerned with management of cultural resources. Ethics and standards adopted by the Society for American Archaeology, Register of Professional Archaeologists, and other ethics and standards adopted by the Executive Committee and accepted by the membership will be observed by members of NASA. Actions taken by the Association do not necessarily compel individual action on the part of any one member.



Section 1

Membership in the National Association of State Archaeologists shall be limited to the State Archaeologist as established and authorized according to law and/or policy. The voting membership as defined in Section 2 of this Article may approve the following on a case-by-case basis. In states where there is no statutory State Archaeologist or where the statutory State Archaeologist has informed NASA in writing that he/she does not wish to participate in NASA, an archaeologist employed by the state may be designated by the State Historic Preservation Officer (SHPO) or, in the absence of such an appointment, by the state council of professional archaeologists to participate in NASA. The voting members may also on a case-by-case basis admit ex-officio members, emeritus members, and Friends of NASA members, and assign voting eligibility.

Section 2

Voting members are the official State Archaeologists as identified in Section 1 of this Article; appointed state representatives to NASA that have been approved by the voting members with voting rights; and any other person accepted by NASA members and who have been approved by the voting members with voting rights.

Section 3

A voting member may designate a qualified person to represent them at a NASA meeting provided that the Executive Committee does not see reason to object. The designation shall be communicated to and acknowledged by a NASA officer.

Section 4

Dues. Annual payment of dues by voting members supports NASA activities such as maintenance of the webpage and funds for the archaeological site preservation grants program. When the Association was established the annual membership dues were set at $25.00. The membership recognizes that from time-to-time increases in the annual dues will become necessary. The Executive Committee will prepare and implement the Dues Policy and will promulgate the rules for collection of dues and provisions for changing the Dues Policy and rules for collections. The Executive Committee will include in the rules provisions for granting a temporary waiver for one or more members on a case-by-case basis, and for declaring a suspension of dues collection. The Executive Committee will circulate the Dues Policy and rules for collection of dues to the membership for approval by a vote of the voting members. Any increases in dues that are proposed and accepted will not take place until the next regular annual meeting following the regular annual meeting in which the increase was accepted.


Regular Annual Meetings

Section 1

There will be one regular meeting held each year in conjunction with the Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Except under extraordinary circumstances, such as a declared emergency, the regular annual meeting shall be conducted in-person. However, the Executive Committee may establish and implement protocols for the regular annual meeting and other meetings of the members to include other options such as the incorporation of a virtual meeting component.

Section 2

Voting members present at the regular annual meetings shall constitute a quorum for the purpose of discussion of business and policies. However, change in bylaws shall require an official vote of the membership. Such a vote does not need to be in person but can be by digital, online, or other alternate procedures established by the Executive Committee and communicated to the voting members.

Section 3

Special meetings of the full membership may be called by the President, upon the request of seven voting members, with 30-day advance notification to the membership, and shall be conducted in accordance with the NASA Voting Policy.


Regional Meetings

Section 1

Regional meetings allow for and may result in the adoption of measures that include but are not limited to guidelines to facilitate coordination and cooperation among NASA members for purposes of contributing to the conservation of cultural resources and to the solution of problems in the profession to preserve and conserve archaeological sites and information about archaeological sites. Whereas meetings facilitate communication among the membership and

support NASA in fulfilling its mission; in addition to the regular annual meeting, NASA encourages meetings of members at local, regional, and national venues (referred hereinafter as Regional Meetings). Participants in regional meetings are encouraged to share via the NASA list serve or other means substantive outcomes and to propose follow-up agenda items for consideration at the next annual meeting.



The officers of the Association shall be voting members and consist of a President, Vice- President, Secretary/Webmaster, and Treasurer. These officers shall constitute an Executive Committee and shall perform the duties prescribed by these bylaws and by the parliamentary authority adopted by the Association.



Section 1

a. Officers shall be elected by a vote conducted in accordance with the NASA Voting Policy as established by the Executive Committee. The Voting Policy may incorporate traditional, digital, online, and alternate procedures. The vote for the election of officers will be conducted at least 30 days before a regular annual meeting to serve for a term of four years or until their successors are elected, and their term of office shall begin at the end of old business at the meeting following their election.

b. A plurality vote shall constitute an election; ties resolved by coin flip unless one candidate elects to concede.

c. If for any reason an officer’s position is found to be vacated, the voting members shall conduct a vote to fill the vacated position in accordance with the Voting Policy.

Section 2

At the regular annual meeting of the third year of the officers’ current term, a Nominating Committee of three persons including the Vice President shall be appointed by the President. It shall be the duty of this committee to nominate candidates for the offices in accordance with procedures listed in the Voting Policy. The Nominating Committee shall make a reasonable and good faith effort to compile a slate of candidates with at least one candidate for each office, and if feasible the names of two or more persons will be placed on the ballot for each office.


Duties of Officers

Section 1

The President shall

a. Maintain continuity of the Association by executing the provision of the bylaws.

b. Preside at all Association regular annual meetings.

c. Make necessary arrangements for each Association meeting, after membership has

expressed their preference for the date and location.

d. Provide an agenda for each Association meeting.

e. Appoint committees with the assistance and approval of the Executive Committee.

f. Speak for the Association as a whole when so authorized by the membership at a meeting of the Association or in response to a questionnaire or mail request. If an immediate response is required from NASA, the Executive Committee, by phone or email response, may authorize the President to speak for the Association, subject to ratification by the membership at the next annual meeting.

g. Serve as the chair of the Executive Committee.

Section 2

The Vice-President shall

a. Serve in the absence of the President.

b. Act as chair of the nominating committee.

c. Coordinate review of grant applications submitted by the membership for funding following the NASA Grant Policy.

Section 3

The Secretary/Webmaster shall

a. In collaboration with the Treasurer, maintain an up-to-date list of members, and as part of the Executive Committee assist in making this list available to the membership on the Association website and by other means as appropriate.

b. Coordinate the elections in accordance with the Voting Policy.

c. Carry on necessary correspondence as directed by the President

d. Record the proceeding of all Association meetings.

e. Keep copies of all records of the Association, bylaws and amendments, policies, minutes of meetings, correspondence, and business transactions and post content as directed by the Archive Committee to the NASA website.

f. Send notices of all meetings to members.

g. Serve as chair of the Archive Committee.

h. Maintain the NASA website including domain name and coordinate the email listserv.

i. Annually report on the status and functionality of the website and make recommendations to the Executive Committee concerning possible improvements.

Section 4

The Treasurer shall

a. Receive dues according to the Dues Policy and deposit them in an account in the name of the Association, and shall disburse funds from this account for Association expenses.

b. Report to the membership at the annual meeting of the receipts, expenses, and financial conditions of the Association. No funds from dues are to be for salaries or otherwise to reimburse persons for time spent on Association business although the Executive Committee may authorize reimbursement of reasonable expenses incurred in completing Association business.

c. Close the books within 15 days of the end of the fiscal year (January 1 – December 31), and present a financial statement at the next annual meeting of the Association.


Executive Committee

Section 1

The elected officers (President, Vice-President, Secretary/Webmaster, and Treasurer) serve as the Executive Committee in addition to the individual responsibilities and duties listed in these Bylaws. The Executive Committee may fulfill its responsibilities with fewer members if there are vacancies. In the event of vacancies, the membership may ask one or more members to serve on the Executive Committee or stand for election to the vacant office.

Section 2

The Executive Committee will oversee the development of policy documents to guide the fulfillment of the Bylaws. Policy documents will include, but are not limited to, NASA Voting Policy, NASA Dues and Guidelines for Collection of Dues Policy, NASA Parliamentary Procedures and Meeting Protocols Policy, and NASA Conservation of Cultural Resources and Preservation of Archaeological Sites Grant Program Policy.

Section 3

The Executive Committee will meet at least once a year to determine if any changes to the Policies are needed. The President, as chair of the Executive Committee, will report to the membership at the regular annual meeting on the status of the policies, and provide a recommendation for approval of the extension of the policies as written or of the policies as amended. When amendments or changes to one or more of the policies are recommended by the Executive Committee, the committee shall provide the membership with the amended or changed policy language. Existing or amended policies shall be approved by a plurality vote of the quorum of voting members at the regular annual meeting.

Section 4

The Executive Committee oversees the conduct of the NASA Conservation of Cultural Resources and Preservation of Archaeological Sites Grant Program. On behalf of the committee the Vice President will coordinate the posting of notices of the Grant Program on the NASA website or by other appropriate means, accept and organize review of submitted applications, award grants to successful applicants, and review the final report submitted by the applicant upon completion of the work supported by the grant. The committee may request assistance of members or outside experts in the review and oversight of any application.



Section 1

Such committees as the Association shall from time to time deem necessary shall be appointed by the President to carry on the work of the Association. In the absence of a President, appointments to committees may be made by the Executive Committee, and in the absence of an Executive Committee appointments may be made by a vote of voting members. Committees may be composed of as few as one (1) member.

Section 2

All committees will report to the Executive Committee and the membership annually or on an established timetable. The scope and extent of the report shall be determined when the committee is appointed.

Section 3

Committees and Committee Chairs may be appointed from the full membership, including, but not limited to, voting members, ex-officio members, emeritus members, friends of NASA members, and other members that have been accepted by the voting membership.

Section 4

Ad-Hoc Committees are committees that are established to conduct specific tasks during a stated, and limited, period of time.

Section 5

Standing Committees are committees that are established to conduct ongoing tasks for an open- ended period of time. The Executive Committee may add to or change the tasks of a Standing Committee, and a Standing Committee may be dissolved or repurposed by a plurality of a vote by voting members at a regular annual meeting. Standing Committees listed in the bylaws are described below.

a. Archives Committee chaired by the Secretary/Webmaster:

i. The chair will guide a standing Archive Committee that will identify routine submissions for posting to the NASA website and archive Association records and documents.

ii. An archive of the activities of the Association will be maintained with routine additions of information posted to on the NASA website and in a suitable medium or media for backing up Association records and documents.

iii. The Executive Committee will provide support to the Archive Committee as requested.

b. NASA Conservation of Cultural Resources and Preservation of Archaeological Sites Grant Program Committee chaired by Vice President:

i. Pursuant to Association policy, this committee oversees and carries out the review of applications for grants funded by the Association.

c. Nomination Committee chaired by Vice President:

i. Pursuant to the NASA Voting Policy this committee will nominate a slate of candidates for the elected offices on a four-year cycle and to nominate one or more candidates to run for a vacant office.



These bylaws may be amended by a two-thirds vote of the completed votes cast by the voting members, provided that the amendment has been submitted directly and individually to the full membership, or by special notice to the membership, and in accordance with the NASA Voting Policy.



Should this Association be dissolved by the membership at some future time, all records of the organization and any balance in the treasury will be conveyed to the Society for American Archaeology for disposition, with the recommendation that digital copies of Association records be conveyed to tDAR (The Digital Archaeological Record) archive.

Ratified December, 1979.

Amended, 1987.

Amended, 2022.

Former Bylaws


of the 

National Association of State Archaeologists




 The name of this organization shall be the National Association of State Archaeologists.




The purpose of this Association shall be to facilitate communication among State Archaeologists and thereby to contribute to the conservation of cultural resources and to the solution of problems in the profession Consensus views of NASA will be communicated to Governmental agencies and organizations concerned with management of cultural resources. Ethics and standards adopted by the Society of Professional Archaeologists will be observed by members of NASA.




Membership in the National Association of State Archaeologists shall be limited to the official State Archaeologist of each state and possession of the United States. In states and possessions where there is no statutory State Archaeologist or where the statutory State Archaeologist has informed NASA in writing that he/she does not wish to      participate in NASA, an archaeologist employed by the state may be designated by the SHPO or, in the absence of such an appointment, by a Council of Archaeologists to participate in NASA. Membership is limited to one representative per state and possession. Annual dues shall be $25.00, payable in advance on or, before January 1 of each year.




Section 1

There will be one regular meeting held each year in conjunction with the Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology.

Section 2

Members present at any annual meeting shall constitute a quorum.

Section 3

Special meetings may be called by the President, upon the request of seven members, with 30-day advance notification to the membership.




The officers of the Association shall be a President, Vice­ President, Secretary-Treasurer, and Newsletter Editor. These officers shall constitute an Executive Committee and shall perform the duties prescribed by these bylaws and by the parliamentary authority adopted by the Association. 




Section 1

A.   Officers shall be elected by mail ballot at least 30 days before a regular annual meeting to serve for a term of two years or until their successors are elected, and their term of office shall begin at the end of old business at the meeting following their election.

B.    A plurality vote shall constitute an election.

Section 2

At the regular annual meeting of odd-numbered years, a Nominating Committee of three persons shall be appointed by the President. It shall be the duty of this committee to nominate candidates for the offices to be filled by mail ballot, and names of two or more persons will be placed on the ballot for each office.



Duties of Officers 

Section 1

The President shall

a.    Maintain continuity of the Association by executing the provision of the bylaws.

b.    Preside at all Association meetings.

c.    Make necessary arrangements for each Association meeting, after the date and location have been selected by the membership at the preceding meeting.

d.    Provide an agenda for each Association meeting.

e.    Appoint committees with the assistance and approval of the Executive Committee.

f.     Speak for the Association as a whole when so authorized by the membership at a meeting of the Association or in response to a questionnaire or mail request. If an immediate response is required from NASA, the Executive Committee, by phone response, may authorize the President to speak for the Association, subject to ratification by the membership at the next annual meeting.

Section 2

The Vice-President shall

a.    Serve in the absence of the President

b.    Act as chairman of the nominating committee. 

Section 3

The Secretary-Treasurer shall

a.    Receive dues and deposit them in an account in the name of the Association, and shall: disburse funds from this account for publication of the Newsletter and for other necessary Association expenses

b.    Maintain an up-to-date list of members and make this list available to the membership annually.

c.    Circulate mail ballots to the membership, compile the results of elections, and notify newly elected officers of the Association.

d.    Carry on necessary correspondence as directed by the President

e.    Report to the membership at every formal meeting of the receipts, expenses, and financial conditions of the Association. No fund from dues are to be for salaries or otherwise to reimburse persons for time spent on Association business.

f.     Record the proceeding of all Association meetings.

g.    Keep copies of all records of the Association, bylaws and amendments, minutes of meetings, correspondence, and business transactions.

h.    Send notices of all meetings to members.

i.      Close the books within 15 days of the end of the fiscal year (January 1 – December 31), and present a financial statement at the next annual meeting of the Association. 

Section 4

The Newsletter Editor shall produce and distribute a Newsletter at least twice yearly. Additional new letters may be issued as needs, funds, and time allow. 




Such committees as the Association shall from time to time deem necessary shall be appointed by the President to carry on the work of the Association.



Parliamentary Authority

The rules contained in the current edition of Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised shall govern the Association in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with these bylaws and any special rule of order the Association may adopt.




These bylaws can be amended by a two-thirds vote of the Association, provided that the amendment has been submitted through the Newsletter or by special notice to the membership along with a mail ballot.




Should this Association be dissolved by the membership at some future time, all records of the organization and any balance in the treasury will be conveyed to the Society for American Archaeology for disposition.


Ratified December, 1979.

Amended, 1987.




The following represent changes to the bylaws of NASA by article and section.


Article IV

Section 2. Members present at any annual meeting shall constitute a quorum. 


Section 2. Members present at annual meetings shall constitute a quorum for the purpose of discussion of business. However, change in bylaws or other changes in policy shall require an official vote of the membership.

Article V: Officers

The officers of the Association shall be a President, Vice­ President, Secretary-Treasurer, and Newsletter Editor. These officers shall constitute an Executive committee and shall perform the duties prescribed by these bylaws and by the parliamentary authority adopted by the Association.


The officers of the Association shall be a President, Vice­ President, and Secretary-Treasurer. These officers shall constitute an Executive committee and shall perform the duties prescribed by these bylaws and by the parliamentary authority adopted by the Association. The President shall appoint a Newsletter Editor with the approval of the other officers.


Article VI: Elections

Section 1.

a.    Officers shall be elected by mail ballot at after a regular annual meeting to serve for a term of two years or until their successors are elected, and their term of office shall begin at the opening of the meeting following their election.


a.    Officers shall be elected by mail ballot after a regular annual meeting to serve for a term of four years or until their successors are elected, and their term of office shall begin at the opening of the meeting following their election.

Section 2.

At the regular annual meeting of odd-numbered years, a Nominating Committee of three persons shall be appointed by the President. It shall be the duty of this committee to nominate candidates for the offices to be filled by mail ballot, and names of two or more persons will be placed on the ballot for each office.


At the regular annual meeting of the third year of the officer’s current term, a Nominating Committee of three persons shall be appointed by the President. It shall be the duty of this committee to nominate candidates for the offices to be filled by mail ballot, and names of two or more persons will be placed on the ballot for each office.

Ratified December, 1979. Amended, 1987.
