Start.up! Germany - Munich

A selected group of brave, enthusiastic and like-minded entrepreneurs from all over the world will have the opportunity to explore some of Germany’s most promising hotspots for both startups and “old economy”. Bavaria is among the economically most successful regions in Europe with a GDP of $701bn. The Bavarian free state with its capital Munich is the second largest state of Germany with more than 13 million people. Here you can connect to peers and talents, understand what drives the Bavarian startup scene, get a grasp of current developments in the market and most importantly: match your startup with companies, partners and investors. For that, you will have the unique opportunity to attend the Bits & Pretzels - The founders festival.

  • DATE: September 25th – October 1st/2nd 2019
  • LOCATION: Munich
  • COSTS: The costs for startups consist of hotel costs, the ticket price for the Bits & Pretzels, flight tickets and personal expenses. Special rates for hotels and Bits & Pretzels tickets are provided. See FAQ section for more details.
  • LANGUAGE: English
  • INDUSTRIES: Internet of Things, Healthcare
  • REQUIREMENTS: Your startup is in the “market testing” phase: i.e. you must be beyond the seed stage; successful accomplishment of first investor rounds is beneficial. You have developed a scalable business model with an international approach and a clear focus on the German market / German customers





Welcome dinner and get-together


Visit to Gate Garching and UnternehmerTUM


IHK Networking Event and corporate visits


Guided city tour: Learn some Bavarian


Bits & Pretzels

Full Schedule (preliminary) available here.



With 1.5 million inhabitants the Bavarian capital Munich is the third largest and most livable city in Germany. It offers a broad variety of leisure activities including famous museums, art galleries, theatres and restaurants. One distinct highlight is the Oktoberfest which attracts more than 6 million visitors every year. For those who enjoy outdoor activities the vicinity to the Alps and several lakes is a major asset.

Besides the great cultural offer, the Munich Metropolitan Area is one of the most successful economic areas in Europe and holds exceptionally great opportunities for startups. Ten of Germany’s 30 major public companies are headquartered in Munich in addition to leading research institutes which are spread across the city. Besides, 45 venture capital investors from different sectors permanently screen the startup community and include companies like Holtzbrinck and Target. Home to two of the best universities in Germany (LMU and TUM), Munich also offers highly qualified specialists with innovative and creative ideas. Furthermore, extensive networks and accelerators connect startups with universities and established companies spawning a unique startup culture. According to a recent study, Munich is the fourth biggest VC hotspot in Europe with an ecosystem valued at $4.5bn.


Bits & Pretzels is a three-day festival that connects founders, investors, start-up enthusiasts and all other decision-makers of the startup ecosystem. This is a great opportunity for your startup to find potential partners and new ways to think.

Connect and network through various events like Matchmaking and Speed Dating. At the Oktoberfest Networking you will sit on exclusively reserved seats in the Schottenhamel tent and talk to hand-picked experts or discuss exciting topics.

Learn from the experiences and mistakes of top-class speakers which in the previous years included the founder of the Virgin Group Richard Branson and Formula One World Champion Nico Rosberg.

And last but not least: The best startups selected by the Bits&Pretzels team will have the opportunity to put up their own exhibition table for one day and to join the Bits & Pretzels pitch contest. This is a unique opportunity to promote your company and find new investors.

For more information check out the official website of Bits & Prezels.


Application process

AHK FInnland will provide the name of the participating startups as well as the participating persons until 31 July 2019. In addition, all startups have to give CCI Munich information on their company via an online tool (same deadline: 31 July 2019). For those startups which want to pitch and/or exhibit at the Bits & Pretzels a second registration process with the Bits & Pretzels team is obligatory. Further information will follow.

How are hotel rooms distributed?

On the basis of registrations hotel rooms will be assigned. Please keep in mind that all available double rooms have to be occupied by two persons as there is only a limited number of hotel rooms available. If you register a single person, please notify in the application if you are willing to share a double room with another startup.

What are the costs for startups?

The costs for startups consist of hotel costs, the ticket price for the Bits & Pretzels, flight tickets and personal expenses. CCI Munich and Upper Bavaria pays for all meals (lunch and dinner) until 27 September, bus transfers until 28 September and the city tour on 28 September. For the Bits & Pretzels lunch is included in the ticket price. Breakfast is included in the hotel charges.

Hotels from 25.9. to 28.9.:

IHK Akademie Westerham

Due to capacity restrictions (time of the Oktoberfest), room availability at IHK Akademie Westerham is both double rooms and single rooms. Prices range from 225 EUR per person (three nights in a double room) to 285 EUR per person (three nights in a single room). Breakfast is included in the room charge.

B&O Parkhotel Bad Aibling

At the B&O Parkhotel Bad Aibling room availability are single rooms. The price per person is 348 EUR (three nights in a single room). Breakfast is included in the room charge.

Hotel from 28.9. to 2.10.:

H2Hotel Messe München

At the H2Hotel Messe München, single and double rooms are available. Prices range from 458 EUR per person (four nights in a double room) to 836 EUR per person (four nights in a single room). Breakfast is included in the room charge.

Bits & Pretzels:

The ticket price per person for startups attending the Bits & Pretzels is 360€ for all three days of the event. The regular price would be 470€ (early stage startups - visitor), 590€ (later stage startups - visitor) and 1400€ (startups - exhibitor). Bits & Pretzels gives the ten best startups of the Start.up! Germany Tour the opportunity to exhibit their company and product for one day, depending on prior selection by the Bits & Pretzels team. In addition, the Bits&Pretzels team will select startups from the tour who can participate in the pitch contest of the event - in front of a crowd numbering several hundred people.