Before you can register for your first online class, you must complete the Start Guide for Online Learners. If you register for an online class without completing the Start Guide you will receive a prerequisite error. Learn more about the Start Guide and how to check your status.

Since the publication of the schedule, the following class changes have been made: added classes, canceled classes. These changes are reflected in the online schedule, which is updated every morning.

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At Clark, students can begin their academic path in Computer Science at a lower cost. Our program provides students with classroom theory that materializes into a one-year project for an integrated learning experience.

According to The U.S. Department of Labor, projections forecast jobs in computer science growing at a rate of 15%, with a median wage in the Portland-Vancouver metro area estimated at $70.20 per hour.

As a Running Start scholar, you can take college-level courses at any of the Seattle College campuses alongside your high school coursework, tuition-free. These courses count towards your high school diploma as well as towards your future college degree, helping you to get a head start on your college education.

You may enroll at any time via our self-service registration portal. Payment is due in full at the time of registration. Your official start date is the date that the course opens and you will have 16 weeks from that date to complete your course.

You must be registered for your class by 12:00 noon EST on the Monday before the class starts. Online registration will remain open during holidays when the university is closed. See the UNE Academic Calendar for more details.

This is CS50x , Harvard University's introduction to the intellectual enterprises of computer science and the art of programming for majors and non-majors alike, with or without prior programming experience. An entry-level course taught by David J. Malan, CS50x teaches students how to think algorithmically and solve problems efficiently. Topics include abstraction, algorithms, data structures, encapsulation, resource management, security, software engineering, and web development. Languages include C, Python, SQL, and JavaScript plus CSS and HTML. Problem sets inspired by real-world domains of biology, cryptography, finance, forensics, and gaming. The on-campus version of CS50x , CS50, is Harvard's largest course.

Try to recall the last science class you taught. It probably had many components over the course of 50 minutes, such as a video, a mini-lecture, an assessment, discussion, or a demonstration. What were all the components? Did your students discuss a question in small groups? Was it a whole-class discussion? Did you introduce a new concept? In what order did you introduce these components? How did you decide what came first? What is the optimal order of activities in an inquiry-based science classroom?

Teaching science using an inquiry approach requires instructional planning that encourages students to engage their curiosity to ask questions, explore solutions to socio-scientific issues, use evidence-based explanations to justify their reasoning, elaborate on possible effects, evaluate their findings, and predict potential outcomes based on different variables. In inquiry science, students are cognitively challenged as they engage in authentic problems while learning content, practicing reasoning skills, and communicating their ideas.

One approach to inquiry science is the 5E instructional model (Engage, Explore, Explain, Elaborate, Evaluate). The 5E model is a planning tool for inquiry teaching that provides a structure for students to connect science ideas with their experiences and apply their learning to new contexts. The 5E model comprises five phases that help teachers build a sequence of coherent and engaging learning experiences for students.

Students provide a tentative explanation as they present their results to the whole class. The teacher may pose additional questions to support the discussion. It is recommended that the teacher introduce a formative assessment in this phase to identify if the students are ready to start the Elaborate phase and determine if additional instruction or assistance is needed.

4. Elaborate. Students apply their knowledge to new experiences and extend their conceptual understanding as they solve a problem in a new context before evaluation in the last phase of the 5E model. Elaboration activities can take place during classroom time, or they can be a homework assignment.

Explore before Explain. Lab investigations or hands-on activities in the Explore phase, no matter how simple, may be time-consuming. Yet, you can allow at least some exploration before explanation to prepare students to receive new information. They might attempt to solve a problem, make a prediction about an experiment or demonstration, or answer a complex question. Consider starting instruction (Explain) in the middle of the class session, as opposed to the beginning, after students have had time to do some exploration.

The first few minutes of class will determine the atmosphere of the rest of the class period. If the students are milling around, talking to each other or gathered around your desk, it can be very hard to bring them back to task.

In order to keep the students from becoming bored from one style of bellringers, I have pulled together several categories of the types of activities you can do. I prefer to have the activity echo what I am doing in class, rather than an isolated, random assignment. My allotted time for content is very limited, but I still believe that an activity at the beginning of the class is important.

Making science class engaging does not have to be a challenge. Learn ten different ways to have fun in class. Science is one of those subjects that it seems students either love or hate. Often, science is one of those subjects where students sit at a desk, read a textbook chapter, answer some questions, and maybe watch a few videos.

Sometimes science can be difficult for students to picture in their minds, especially if students lack background knowledge of the topic or the topic is abstract. The more visuals you can offer your students, the better and deeper their understanding and connections will be. Think images, videos, video clips, models, and diagrams.

The collaboration required can also help foster social skills and classroom community. These can seem challenging and daunting at first. They might even take your students longer than they should, but with consistent routine and practice of certain skills, students should gain a better understanding and respect for science, a sense of confidence in their own skills, and improved knowledge of basic tasks (like ruler use!).

I hope these ten ways to make science class engaging give you some great ideas for your class. If you have other suggestions on how you make science class engaging, let us know by contacting us on social media (@2peasandadog).

Do you have any thoughts about managing the duration of a lesson, or have particular challenges with managing when to end class? How do you design exams to evaluate what you need to but make sure that nobody feels rushed? Any other tips you wish to share?

The Cousins Center for Science and Innovation will offer discipline-specific laboratory-classrooms (Physics, Biology, and Chemistry, with smaller and separate specialty labs for each), independent study labs, open study rooms, workshops, and faculty offices. Laboratories and classrooms will merge, providing teaching space that is conducive to the melding of theory and practice.

There are many ways that you can incorporate medical terminology review as a bell ringer, but as long as you have fun and make it as entertaining as it is informative, this can be a great way to start your health science classes.Ā 

After all, if you can demonstrate how your course material relates to significant goings-on in the world, it will feel more relatable to your students. It also pushes students to think critically about your class and make connections between your lessons and their everyday lives.

The science is clear that teens can benefit from later school start times, but in Nashville and other communities, it's politically difficult to make the change. PeopleImages/Getty ImagesĀ  hide caption

Since his election in September, O'Connell has announced that pushing back school start times is a cornerstone of the education policy he is promoting. He and others around the country have been trying to stress that teenagers aren't lazy or to blame for getting too little sleep. It's science.

Melatonin makes people feel drowsy. The brain starts producing it when it gets dark outside, and its production peaks in the middle of the night. Adolescents' brains start releasing melatonin about three hours later than adults' and younger children's brains, according to the American Chemical Society. When teens wake up early, their brains are still producing melatonin.

"Go to your school board and tell them to change the rule, change the law, change their start times," he said. "But to mandate [the rest of the state] do this because of one school board that doesn't want to listen to their parents?"

That leaves Nashville, a city that often calls itself the Silicon Valley of health care, to figure out its own path. O'Connell is now on the case. The mayor has some power over the school budget, which gives him influence in education policy. However, it's up to the school board to determine start times.

A major concern has been busing. Even in normal times, districts use the same buses and drivers for students of all ages. They stagger start times to do that, with high schoolers arriving and leaving school earliest in the day. The idea is that they can handle being alone in the dark at a bus stop more readily than smaller children, and it also lets them get home first to help take care of younger siblings after school. ff782bc1db

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