A bit of a late answer, but here is the solution that works for me. Whenever I start emacsclient, I use emacsclient -a '' -c The -a '' tells emacsclient to attempt to connect to an existing server, and if no server exists, start one then connect to it.

Now your shell will start the deamon on startup, but only if it is not already running. Less wait time when you first run emacsclient -t, and it is faster than letting emacs --daemon check if it's already running.

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Installed / upgrade to Node.

Started and getting the message:

Aborted server startup; condition not met: Cannot start server without a designated jar/phar.

Not sure where to look.

Everything was working in the old MineOS

Running Spigot.jar

I found this blog post by Alen Siljak which describes how you can keep it from starting when logging on. There are two different methods to solve the problem. The first and most simple is a checkbox in the Server Manager itself. The second involves modifying the registry, which can be used to automate and script the process for a large number of servers.

Registry Method - Go to the registry editor and HKLM\Software\Microsoft\ServerManager and set the variable DoNotOpenServerManagerAtLogon to 1. Then go to another entry at HKCU\Software\Microsoft\ServerManager and set the CheckedUnattendLaunchSetting to 0 (Note that this will only set it for the current user). After logging out and logging back on you should no longer see the server manager.

I attempt to start the sever through eclipse and i get a popup telling me the server failed to start. the console also terminates immediately with nothing printed to it. the logs within the server installation also report nothing.

I have tried advice found elsewhere suggesting changing port numbers, I checked that the port numbers in the server config within eclipse match those defined in the standalone config file, this made no difference. I have also tried changing the location of the server from localhost to which also made no difference.

Hi! I got the same problem here. It seems that Eclipse locks JBoss AS 7.1 starting process, and keeps ir forever starting even if the server already started. Then, Eclipse kills the process after it gets timed out, killing JBoss AS 7 too. If you are in a Linux or Mac System, something that works is opening a terminal, typing

You can override P4PORT by startingp4d with the -p flag (in this example,listen to port 1818 on IPv6 and IPv4 transports), andP4ROOT by starting p4d with the-r flag. Similarly, you can specify a journal file withthe -J flag, and an error log file with the-L flag. A startup command that overrides the environmentvariables might look like this:

Not sure if anyone knows about 1.8.4 servers... but I downloaded the minecraft server off of , but when I click it to open, it asks for permision to run, then nothing. No tasks are started, no processes, no EULA is created. It just stops. I tried redownloading it, and same thing. Nothing online seems to help. And before you suggest it, I did indeed run it as administrator. How do I fix it?

I've installed a MySQL server onto my computer and when I first installed it, it ran automatically. Now I've restarted my computer it is no longer running. What file do I need to run to get it back up and running again?

Make sure the mysqld.exe is ticked under the Startup tab when you go to run and type msconfig. Also, same goes for Services, look for the MySQL services there, right click > properties and make sure the startup types are selected as automatic.

I had the similar issue and found later that the encoding of my.ini file changes if you open that from notepad. Open the file from Notepad++ and make sure to take a note of the .ini file encoding (mostly it is UTF-8). If the file encoding changes SQL service will not start. Make sure that the new directory in which the data path is set has permissions for the account that runs the mySQLd service in windows (mostly it is network service).

If mysqld doesn't start, check the error log. The error log is located in the C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQLServer\data. It is the file with a suffix of .err. You can also try to start the server as mysqld --console; in this case, you may get some useful information on the screen that may help solve the problem.

The following subsections describe three methods of starting and restarting the Grafana server: with systemd, initd, or by directly running the binary. You should follow only one set of instructions, depending on how your machine is configured.

Node.js has a unique advantage because millions of frontend developers that write JavaScript for the browser are now able to write the server-side code in addition to the client-side code without the need to learn a completely different language.

Typically you will need to boot a local server prior to running Cypress. Whenyou boot your web server, it runs as a long running process that will neverexit. Because of this, you'll need it to run in the background - else yourCI provider will never move onto the next command.

The problem is - what happens if your server takes time to boot? There is noguarantee that when the next command runs (cypress run) that your web serveris up and available. So your Cypress test may start and try to visit your localserver before it is ready to be visited.

Hardware requirements to run Cypress depend how much memory the browser, theapplication under test, and the server (if running it locally) need to run thetests without crashing. Visit ourSystem Requirementsguide for minimum hardware recommendations.

When running on Linux, Cypress needs an X11 server; otherwise it spawns its ownX11 server during the test run. When running several Cypress instances inparallel, the spawning of multiple X11 servers at once can cause problems forsome of them. In this case, you can separately start a single X11 server andpass the server's address to each Cypress instance using DISPLAY variable.

First, spawn the X11 server in the background at some port, for example :99.If you have installed xvfb on Linux or if you are using one of our Dockerimages fromcypress-docker-images,the tools below should be available.

Chromium based browsers and Firefox can spawn without Xvfb when run via the--headless flag. If you're testing against either of those browsers using the--browser flag, you can opt out of Cypress spawning an X11 server by settingthe environment variableELECTRON_RUN_AS_NODE=1.

Electron cannot be run without an X11 server. Cypress's default browser isElectron and won't be able to launch if you set this environment variable.Likewise, Cypress's interactive mode (running via cypress open) is run viaElectron and cannot be opened without an X11 server.

If you are using a pre-packaged version of PostgreSQL, it almost certainly includes provisions for running the server as a background task according to the conventions of your operating system. Using the package's infrastructure to start the server will be much less work than figuring out how to do this yourself. Consult the package-level documentation for details.

which will leave the server running in the foreground. This must be done while logged into the PostgreSQL user account. Without -D, the server will try to use the data directory named by the environment variable PGDATA. If that variable is not provided either, it will fail.

It is important to store the server's stdout and stderr output somewhere, as shown above. It will help for auditing purposes and to diagnose problems. (See Section 25.3 for a more thorough discussion of log file handling.)

Normally, you will want to start the database server when the computer boots. Autostart scripts are operating-system-specific. There are a few example scripts distributed with PostgreSQL in the contrib/start-scripts directory. Installing one will require root privileges.

Different systems have different conventions for starting up daemons at boot time. Many systems have a file /etc/rc.local or /etc/rc.d/rc.local. Others use init.d or rc.d directories. Whatever you do, the server must be run by the PostgreSQL user account and not by root or any other user. Therefore you probably should form your commands using su postgres -c '...'. For example:

Consider carefully the timeout setting. systemd has a default timeout of 90 seconds as of this writing and will kill a process that does not report readiness within that time. But a PostgreSQL server that might have to perform crash recovery at startup could take much longer to become ready. The suggested value of infinity disables the timeout logic.

While the server is running, its PID is stored in the file postmaster.pid in the data directory. This is used to prevent multiple server instances from running in the same data directory and can also be used for shutting down the server.

There are several common reasons the server might fail to start. Check the server's log file, or start it by hand (without redirecting standard output or standard error) and see what error messages appear. Below we explain some of the most common error messages in more detail.

This usually means just what it suggests: you tried to start another server on the same port where one is already running. However, if the kernel error message is not Address already in use or some variant of that, there might be a different problem. For example, trying to start a server on a reserved port number might draw something like:

probably means your kernel's limit on the size of shared memory is smaller than the work area PostgreSQL is trying to create (4011376640 bytes in this example). This is only likely to happen if you have set shared_memory_type to sysv. In that case, you can try starting the server with a smaller-than-normal number of buffers (shared_buffers), or reconfigure your kernel to increase the allowed shared memory size. You might also see this message when trying to start multiple servers on the same machine, if their total space requested exceeds the kernel limit. ff782bc1db

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