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I have always felt that the over regulated belief in only the KJV was unfounded. There was a reason that bible was created ; make a bible that the people in that day and age could understand. To believe that a bible made for people of that time is the ONLY correct translation is pretty silly. the protestant revolution on one front was to give the Bible to the people. To force people to then be aligned with a particular OLD bible is just as restrictive as the Catholic church that the Baptist and other protestant religions broke away from. It has almost become a cult type belief.

You might want to look at How to Read the Bible for all its worth -  -to-read-the-bible-for-all-its-worth. It doesn't have all the translations you mention but it does have the sort of table you are looking for on page 42.

This is available at -eti-bible-version/mattihyahoo-to-revelation/philippians with a module per chapter for ease of reading. Links to download pdf and docx versions are also provided. I recommend the pdf and docx versions as the footnotes are more directly associated with the points of reference.

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