
Welcome to the sky!

I do not know if we have met before, but it is a pleasure to meet you. Up here everything is a little different than what it seems. If you look up here on a clear night you may see thousands of stars, planets, and moons. What you do not see is the daily life of us stars. We try to move really slow to not scare anyone down there, but we still twinkle a little now and then! My name is Vela, the Sail. I am a constellation way up here. You cannot see me because I only come across the southern sky from January till March. Do not be mistaken though. While my ship follows those sky rules, a sail can go wherever it wishes. That is why I can come here and show you the extraordinary.

When you look up into the night sky you may be unaware of the power it contains and the stories it keeps hidden within constellations. Constellations are groups of stars, but you may not know that each star carries part of a story. Together they create something truly unbelievable. Perhaps you have wondered why a wolf howls at the night sky, maybe you turn to look up at the sky and the stars seem to have just moved, or you may question how the stars got there in the first place. I will explain as much as I can in the time we have together.

There is a Star King. He is the one who takes us from around the universe and puts us into the sky. Sometimes he does this because we have done something honorable and he believes we deserve immortality. Sometimes he puts those he loves up in the sky with him, so he never has to live without them. It is very honorable to be a constellation.

When you are placed in the sky there are a lot of rules. For one, you cannot move too fast, so everything is really slow up here. Another big rule is that you must stay far away from black holes. Black holes are old constellations that have turned evil or corrupt. The last rule is to travel the path you have been given. Thank goodness no one seems to notice I don't always abide by that one!

We are a big family up here and I want you to meet a few of us! We will sail by Big and Little Bear first. They are the wife and child of the Star King! Then we will see if the Swan is still in the sky. Sometimes he is hard to track down because he likes to race around the universe with his best friend. Finally, we will go to Lupus. Lupus is the cutest pup in the universe and is always willing to play a good game of ball. We will be pretty busy tonight, so we should start now!

A picture of me with my ship by Why Vela