Privacy Policy

These terms apply to the use of games and other products developed by Nathan Engelhorn. We are based in Rohnert Park, California, U.S. 

If you have any questions or comments about this Privacy Policy, please contact us at

Data Collection

We personally do not knowingly collect or share any information about our users. However, Unity may collect data including IP address, unique device identifiers, country of install, operating system, and other analytics to improve quality of gameplay. See Unity’s privacy policy here.

“Unity has collected some or all of the following information about your device: unique device identifiers (e.g., IDFV for iOS devices and Android ID for Android devices); IP address; country of install (mapped from IP address); device manufacturer and model platform type (iOS, Android, Mac, Windows, etc.) and the operating system and version running on your system or device; language; CPU information such as model, the number of CPUs present, frequency, and instruction set support flags; the graphics card type and vendor name; graphics card driver name and version (e.g., “nv4disp.dll”); which graphics API is in use (e.g., “OpenGL 2.1” or “Direct3D 9.0c”); amount of system and video RAM present; current screen resolution; version of the Unity Editor used to create the game; sensor flags (e.g., device support for gyroscope, touch pressure or accelerometer); application or bundle identification (“app ID”) of the game installed; unique advertising identifiers provided for iOS and Android devices (e.g., IDFA or Android Ad ID); and a checksum of all the data that gets sent to verify that it transmitted correctly."

Does your app include third-party analytics?

Yes, Unity has collected device information, like IP address and device identifiers, as well as events completed or actions taken within the game, including level, number of credits, time it took you to earn them, metadata about in-game communications and the value and details of purchases. Using our systems, the developer of the game has ongoing access to this data. This collection and use of data makes it possible for your experience to operate as expected by permitting you to do things like redeem rewards you have earned or return to where you left off in a game. Other Unity customers may have access to aggregated reports about game activity in general across a number of games. These reports are based, in part, on your game activities, but do not specifically identify you or your device. The reports described in this paragraph help developers make decisions on optimal methods to run the games they have made for you.

Does your app include third-party advertising?

No, our app does not include third-party advertising.

Will the data be shared with any third parties?

The information collected is on Unity's behalf. We do not share any information with anyone.

Is your app collecting any user or device data for purposes beyond third-party analytics or third-party advertising?

No. Our app does not collect device data for purposes beyond third-party analytics.

If you think we may have violated our privacy policy or have any questions please contact

Get in touch with us at