

1. Gems are used to buy items from the shop or unlock content etc.

2. Get Gems from reward or purchase from the shop with real money.

3. When purchase Gems, please keep your network well, to prevent error.

4. Once purchase success, Ad in the game will cancellation.

5. We are effort to improve the app quality, but if there are any loss in Gems or any game data etc.(Cause of any app error or internet error etc.) We will not make any compensation.


  1. Coins are used to open Starry Boxes.

  2. Coins can be earn in battle.

Player Points

  1. Player Points are used to buy items from the shop or unlock content etc.

  2. Find Player Points inside Starry Boxes.

Starry Boxes

Basic Starry Boxes Draw Probability:

3% Gems +1

4% New Weapon

24% Player Points +8

28% Game Level3 Points +2

21% Game Level2 Points +3

20% Game Level1 Points +4

(It is the basic design probability, can vary depending on the environment and settings)

We are effort to improve the app quality, but if there are any loss in Coins or game data etc.(Cause of any app error or internet error etc.) We will not make any compensation.

Daily Reset Time

Every day at 08:00 UTC.

Reward Ad and Daily Task will reset daily.
(If your device can't connect to the game server, Reward Ad and Daily Task may not work.)

General Rules

1. If we observed a player is doing fraudulent behavior in the game, we may temporarily ban or delete the player data to keep the game operation in a good sate.

2. We are effort to improve the app quality, but if there are any loss in any game data or device broken etc.(Cause of any app error or internet error etc.) We will not make any compensation.

Last Edited on 2022-01-18