Modelling and control of Membrane Distillation system as post-treatment of anaerobic bioreactor treating wastewater
The global objectives of this project are to build a base of fundamental knowledge pertaining to the membrane fouling in anaerobic membrane distillation bioreactor system (AnMDBR) and share research achievements and discussion to better understand the membrane fouling and transfer mechanisms for optimizing the AnMDBR. Successful completion of the joint proposed researches will advance discovery and understanding of different fronts. The advances would be (1) fundamental understanding of fouling reduction mechanisms in AnMDBR with respect to both mass and heat transfers, (2) develop models to assess membrane fouling in MD system based on macroscopic and microscopic approaches while taking into account the properties of the anaerobic bioreactor effluent as a feed solution (3) apply control tools on developed models to optimize the AnMDBR process.
This project is financed by the STAR French-Korean cooperation program. It will last from 01/01/2020 to 31/12/2022.
The projet involves the following people from i) Sejong University, Seoul, Korea, 2) LBE-INRAE, Narbonne, France, 3) MISTEA, INRAE, Montpellier, France and 4) University of Montpellier, Montpellier, France.
People involved are listed below:
France : M. Harmand Jérôme (Senior researcher, French coordinator), M. Heran Marc, Teacher/researcher, M. Lesage Geoffroy, Teacher/researcher, M. Mericq Jean-Pierre, Teacher/researcher, M. Rapaport Alain, Senior researcher, M. Zaviska François, Teacher/researcher, M. Aichouche Farouk, PhD student
South Korea : M. Cho Jinwoo, (Korean coordinator, Teacher/researcher), M. Kim Jeonghwan, Teacher/researcher, M. Charfi Amine, Postdoc, Mrs Shin Bora, PhD student, Mrs Tibi Fida, PhD student, M. Wirasembada Chandra, PhD student
The project is financed by the French-Korean STAR research program (cf., in French) under the project No 45764QE.
During the project, apart from different mobilities of involved people, two scientific seminars were organized:
Seminar #1 "Modeling and control of Distillation Membrane Systems" - 05/11/2020 - Online kick-off meeting
Seminar #2 "Modelling and control of AnDM system as post-treament of anaerobic bioreactor treating wastewater" - 15/11/2022 - Seoul, Korea
Seminar #3 "Coupling Distillation MBR and Anaerobic digestion" - 8*9/08/2023 - Narbonne, France
Seminar #4 "Optimal control of membrane filtration systems" - 27/11/2023 - Seoul, Korea