Yet, with a story sandwiched between seasons seven and eight of original TV spin-off series Stargate SG-1, Timekeepers is hardly the most approachable re-introduction into the mythology of this once ubiquitous sci-fi franchise. Even those in possession of the full ten-season boxset may quickly find themselves turning to the Stargate wiki pages for clarity, as this real-time strategy campaign refuses to waste any time catching players up to speed; a strange choice for a lore-heavy television show that last aired on our small screen over 15 years ago.

Perhaps an even more surprising design choice from developer Slitherine, however, is Timekeepers' heavy emphasis on stealth. SG-1's pantheon of heroes and villains may have deployed the art of subterfuge when the moment called for it, certainly, but it was hardly the defining action of a show known more famously for its operatic space battles and military shootouts. Nevertheless, the approach pays off for Timekeepers, presenting a compelling flow of play in which you must navigate your team through an increasingly challenging set of missions whilst avoiding enemy sight-lines, or neutralising them entirely.

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Colonel Eva McCain, on the other hand, is one of the few characters suited for open combat, equipped with guns and grenades perfect for dealing with large numbers of enemies at once, often as a last resort. All of these characters have been designed to be used in tandem with one another, and pulling off the perfect plan and execution, lining up their different actions in succession and watching the harmonious team-play unfold, makes for some of Timekeepers' most fulfilling moments.

Second, the game's litany of environments, structured across a series of linear missions, are tautly designed, and a joy to navigate, offering just enough challenge to test your tactical prowess without ever feeling unfair. Stargate fans will also squeeze some extra mileage out of Slitherine's clear affection for the franchise, with a number of nice touches adding an extra layer of authenticity to the experience, right down to the loading screen animation of a literal stargate dialling in coordinates to the next mission.

There are some rough edges, to be sure. Flat textures and awkward character animations hold Timekeepers' back from being easy on the eyes, and while none of its bugs are game-breaking, the sum of their parts can be enough to snap you out of its tactical flow. There's also the matter of structure. At present, you're only paying for half a game, with Timekeepers' second set of episodes scheduled to release at an unspecified date later in the year. Slitherine is pitching it as the next "Season" of its story, but having to invest full price in only half of a product doesn't feel like a fair deal at present.

Even so, what's here is enough to make a decent first impression, and while Timekeepers is clearly catering to the SG-1 uber-fans, others who can endure the baffling lack of scene-setting will discover an inspired real-time strategy campaign anchored in crunchy, squad-based subterfuge. The resulting series of playable episodes is enough to make a compelling case for bringing Stargate back out of its cryo-chamber.

Get ready to lock your chevrons in place, because one of the most beloved sci-fi franchises of all time, Stargate SG-1, looks like it's finally getting a video game release. No, really. A teaser trailer for the upcoming Stargate: Timekeepers strategy PC game has dropped via the SlitherineGames YouTube channel, and although it doesn't offer a whole lot as far as visuals go, it does drop some juicy info about who's behind the title.

Visually speaking, the teaser trailer offers little more than a CGI stargate swirling around and locking chevrons in place with smash-cuts to splash screens of text. Some of that text includes "From the producers of Warhammer 40,000, Gladius, and Starship Troopers: Terran Command comes a wholly original story" before the seventh chevron locks in place, sending viewers down a spinning wormhole and revealing the name of the upcoming title: Stargate: Timekeepers.

What should Stargate fans, or strategy PC gaming fans in general, expect from this upcoming title? According to the official blurb on YouTube, "In Stargate: Timekeepers, players will travel through time and space, save civilians from the threats of their system lords, rescue their friends and allies from danger, and much more" while also adding that the storyline of the game starts at the end of Stargate SG-1 Season 7. Players will either be controlling or working alongside Commander Eva McCain as they battle Anubis's fleet to protect Antarctica, SG-1, and the universe.

But how likely is it that SlitherineGames and MGM will follow through this time? After all, Stargate fans and gamers have had their hearts broken several times over already (looking at you, Stargate SG-1: The Alliance, Stargate Worlds, and Stargate: Resistance). But there seems to be a glimmer of hope based on SlitherineGames' previous successes. Gladius is currently rated a 9/10 on Steam and retails for $39.99 US. Terran Command is slated for a 2021 release date and, based on available gameplay footage, features similar mechanics to the already wildly successful Gladius.

As of right now, unfortunately, there is no official release date for Stargate: Timekeepers. Stay tuned for updates as the story develops, and in the meantime, you can watch the teaser trailer below: 152ee80cbc

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