All you need to do is add " -launch" (without the quotes) to the target of any shortcut you launch starcraft from. Example, if you launch starcraft from the starcraft icon on your desktop, just right click it, select properties and add -launch at the end of the target path. Theres absolutely no need to call a command prompt script which just calls the same target. Youre adding extra steps in for now reason and thats bad automation. See picture below for simplicity

Chaoslauncher is an open source third-party launcher for StarCraft that allows the user to inject any universal plugins.

To add BWP plugins, simply install AdvLoader in a separate folder and the plugins will show up in Chaoslauncher. Copying BWP plugins into the Chaoslauncher folder will not work!

Starcraft Launcher


First download the old StarCraft executables (See BWreplays on using old Versions).

Then extract these to your StarCraft directory.

After a restart Chaoslauncher displays all available versions in the combobox on the bottom.

You can add your own tools to the Chaoslauncher traymenu to make them easily accessible. You add these entries in the Tools tab of Chaoslauncher. Each tool consists of a name which gets displayed in the tray menu, the path to executable which should be opened, and a parameter string which gets passed to the executed tool.

You could also add the path to your LastReplay.rep to the parameter field, so BWChart automatically opens this replay.

First make sure you are using and no earlier versions. Then copy the iccscbn.icc from the iCCup Launcher folder to the Chaoslauncher folder. After a restart Chaoslauncher will display a new version called ICCup 1.16.1 in the versionlist on the bottom. If you select this version, only whitelisted plugins compatible with ICCup can be enabled.

Warning: There is no official permission from iCCup to use third-party launchers.

The Chaoslauncher with ForceHamachi plugin let you play Brood War on Hamachi. An older version of hamachi is needed for it to function with Brood War. The Force Hamachi plugin does some nifty tricks, without it you can't play. Don't forget to play on UDP once you're logged onto Hamachi!

Install Chaoslauncher if you didn't already (see top of this page). Download the ForceHamachi plugin and put it in your chaoslauncher installation folder. Download and install Hamachi. Start Hamachi, and join TLnet//123 or TLnet2//123

Bile LauncherStructureRaceZergAffiliation Kerrigan's SwarmCampaignHeart of the SwarmProtectionHit points2000Armor2Bile bombDamage75TargetsGroundRange90Bile launchers are powerful zerg bombardment structures. They are based on the virophage, capable of concentrating and excreting bile.

Sarah Kerrigan tasked Abathur with providing a way to destroy the orbital defenses of Korhal just prior to her assault. Abathur modified the virophage to concentrate its bile and expel it as a projectile.[1][2] Most of the bile launchers were destroyed in orbit by the Drakken defense network. Those that broke through landed outside Augustgrad, where Kerrigan defended them from the Terran Dominion while they destroyed the cannons.[3]

Bile launchers arrive periodically during the mission "Planetfall" at pre-set locations. The player must defend and secure the cannons throughout the mission; when all five are prepared, the mission either advances to the next objective, or ends, depending on the state of the Dominion forces on the map. The player cannot allow the Dominion to destroy three bile launchers or the mission is lost.

Upon finishing their mutation, the bile launchers will automatically attack the Drakken defense cannons and Augustgrad gates around the map. They will not attack other units, and go inactive once all the cannons and gates are destroyed. They produce creep and rapidly heal if damaged.

The bile launcher is a slow-attacking defensive structure that deals heavy splash damage to targets in a radius. Unlike other defensive turrets, its attack is activated as an ability the player must manually command. The bile launcher's attacks take a moment to land at the target point, so the player must "lead" their targets if they are moving when targeted. Once commanded to bombard an area, bile launchers will continue to fire on the area until told to choose a new target or stop.

whenever i boot up starcraft 2 from the blizzard app it doesnt boot up right away like it always did but instead the loading bar pops up and it just sits there ands loads for like 5-10mins and then the game comes up but it was always instant before whats going on? tried many fixes,i googled it as well im not alone either

anyone have this and know how to fix it?

i posted this in general but i got no response but its also in the wrong section it should be here so ill post it here as well hopefully some one will respond to me about this

The Hailstorm launcher is a terran anti-air rocket launcher, often utilized by Dominion rocket troopers. Mounted on their back, troopers use these launchers to attack heavily armored air units from a range, whilst still being able to fight with their Ferromag SMGs. These weapons were often considered of a higher value than the troopers who carried them.[1]

As title says, I cannot load missions using the launcher. The launcher seems to load correctly, letting me choose which campaign & level, etc. but if I try to start a level the game displays "unable to load map" and reverts to the game sign-in screen. "SMCRassets", "SCMRcinematics", "SCMRlocal", and "SCMRmod" are all in the StarCraftII/Mods directory. "SCMR Campaign Launcher" and all the map folders w/ contents are in the StarcraftII/Maps directory. I'm using SCMR v_7.3.1 and SMRassets/local v_7.3

Starcraft II/Maps/Starcraft Mass Recall/6 folders, one for each episode + extras folder. The launcher is in this folder. Extras itself contains another 3 folders (0. Loomings, 7. Stukov Series and 8. Enslavers Redux).

I can't launch any of the games I normally play (eg. Starcraft 2 unable to load from launcher; League of Legends game unable to launch after champion select in lobby, etc.). After disabling BD advanced threat detection, the games work just fine. Adding the game folders and the game .exe's to the exceptions list does nothing. Can you please investigate?

I am also having the same issue. launcher with Heroes of the Storm. Creating exceptions does not work. I made excptions for all components of BitDefender for both the entire directory and all specific executables for both launcher and heores of the storm. Game hangs HARD on spash screen. Cannot Alt-F4, cannot End Task. Only thing that works is disabling advanded threat protection completly in BitDefender.

I'm also having trouble running League of Legends. It takes about 2 minutes for the main game to start even after adding the executable to the exclusions list. The launcher works fine, however. I'm running the latest build

Found the driver on some random page through google. I installed the S3 Trio V64 PCI driver and when I start the starcraft launcher the screen goes black for a second (as if its about to load) then the program exits.

hello, I try to run the SC Remastered but now I get an error I don't know if the launcher works with the new version that came out but when I run the launcher it shows me the "nothing to run" error and I don't know why this error is due, no I know if it is the version because the game was updated or what happened, if you could help me I would be grateful

I too have been working hard on hacking my way through this. I finally got the game to run when I figured out that my graphics card drivers weren't doing me any favors (literally) kill and or remove all your video card drivers and reinstall ones you're absolutely sure are correct. All the other workarounds that I tried wouldn't get me passed the launcher. For example going into wine to mess with dbhelp, running windowed at different resolutions, installing windows fonts and winetricks. After all of those it was my drivers. Something I thought was fine. When nothing works... start looking at what you only assumed was working.

It won't be long before the first Bile Launcher lands. If you don't have units yet, simply use Kerrigan. She will be more than enough to protect the launcher for now. Hydralisks and Roaches are the suggested units for this map. Banelings and Ultralisks can also be used to great effect if you prefer the more up close and explosion filled route. Another big thing for this map is creep expansion. As each launcher comes in, it will be a lot easier to defend if your creep reaches it. Using the Malignant Creep ability can help you achieve this. Also just having your Queens plop tumors down everywhere will increase its expansion.

As the third and fourth launcher come in, it will grow harder and harder to protect them all. Use Spine and Spore Crawlers to help out. 2 of each around each launcher may not guarantee its safety, but it will buy you time to get back to it. The creep spread will again play a role in their safety. Having that wide spread creep will allow your units to move quickly and freely across the map.

The earlier you complete the bonus objectives the better. You will not need many units, so take about half your army and lead them towards each bonus objective with Kerrigan. Leave the other half behind as defense in case your launchers get attacked. Kerrigan can basically solo the bonus objectives if you really need to, but having the extra support will make it go much quicker. Just ensure you destroy the 3 gates before the final launcher lands or else you will run out of time.

Tips - With proper use of Kerrigan you will have no issue knocking down the three gates in time. Remember to bring about half your army with her, leave the other half to defend the launchers. There is a time limit on this, so start using Kerrigan to assault the enemy positions as soon as possible. 2351a5e196

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