The Galactic Republic and it star systems shared sovereignty, and spanned a multiplicity of worlds from the Core Worlds to the Outer Rim Territories, uniting a variety of sentient species, human and alien alike, under one banner. As its power grew, the Republic fought many wars against various opponents such as Mandalorians, the Zygerrian Slave Empire, the Nihil, and several Sith Empires. The Jedi Order, a religious group of Force-sensitives dedicated to the light side of the Force, was sworn to the service of the Senate, and as such the Jedi Knights were hailed as the guardians of peace and justice within the Republic. Centuries of conflict culminated in the fall of the Old Republic, and the last war between the ancient Jedi and Sith concluded with the restoration and rise of the modern Galactic Republic, ushering in the Republic Era which was an age of peace that lasted for a thousand years. The Republic's history was officially reset, and the ages before this event were merged into a collective whole known as the Old Republic-era.

Along with the Acclamator-class transgalactic military assault ship and other support vessels, the Venator-class Star Destroyer was the mainstay warship of the Republic Navy.[131] Part cargo transport and part troop carrier, the Venator was also developed for ship-to-ship combat. The Venator notably contained a large hangar for housing state-of the-art Republic starfighters.[132]

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The Galactic Republic invested in aesthetics and technological advancements for the starship industry. During the Republic's reign, starships were designed to be aesthetically pleasing in order to meet the customers' demand for "style and elegance" in their vessels. Craftsmanship, however, gave way to practicality as the Republic transitioned into the Galactic Empire, leading to the decline of sleek lines in favor of harsh uniformity, mass production, and sheer size.[25]

At its peak, the Imperial Navy fields millions of warships, including an estimated 25,000 Star Destroyers, fulfilling the Emperor's will throughout the galaxy. The Empire's central warship cadre is well structured and uniformed, but the Imperial Navy suffers against strike craft, largely due to the inadequacies of its own starfighters and point defense. The Empire's focus on size, firepower, and terror comes at the expense of a well-balanced fleet. After its defeat at the Battle of Endor, the Galactic Empire splits up into warring factions, and the Imperial Starfleet along with it. While much of the remnants of the Imperial Navy are later reunited under impressive Imperial commanders, the military organization ceases to exist shortly after the death of the Emperor.

The Death Star, a moon-sized battle station with sufficient firepower to destroy an entire planet, is designed to be the supreme weapon of the Empire's power. Tarkin, the station's commander, demonstrates that power in A New Hope when he destroys Alderaan as a show of force.[20] In the film's climactic scene, however, the station is attacked by Rebel starfighters who have come into possession of the station's blueprints. The battle ends with the Death Star's destruction at the hands of Luke Skywalker, which is the Rebel Alliance's first major success against the Empire.[9]

@Zander said:

"Is there any artillery in the SW universe? Are they canonical or cannonical? Cannot say? :~P

Seriously, interesting article. The same method could be applied to vehicles and buildings from other lines (e.g. City, Marvel, DC). Might be worthwhile developing a standardised scale of scale accuracy from 1 to 10 with any score of 1 to 9.5 getting an additional + or - to indicate whether the vehicle is oversized or undersized."

yes there is artillery in the star wars universe.

The Self Propelled Heavy Artillery (SPHA) walker was a modular heavy artillery unit used by the Grand Army of the Republic during the Clone Wars. It was used at the end of Episode 2 on Geonosis.

the AV-7 Republic AV-7 Anti-vehicle Cannon was actually released as a set 75045 but i get what you mean, there have been too many star fighters turned into sets, but not really enough ground attack vehicles. Maybe they could use 75311 as a test, see how popular it is and release more ground based vehicles as well. e24fc04721

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