The Galactic Republic and it star systems shared sovereignty, and spanned a multiplicity of worlds from the Core Worlds to the Outer Rim Territories, uniting a variety of sentient species, human and alien alike, under one banner. As its power grew, the Republic fought many wars against various opponents such as Mandalorians, the Zygerrian Slave Empire, the Nihil, and several Sith Empires. The Jedi Order, a religious group of Force-sensitives dedicated to the light side of the Force, was sworn to the service of the Senate, and as such the Jedi Knights were hailed as the guardians of peace and justice within the Republic. Centuries of conflict culminated in the fall of the Old Republic, and the last war between the ancient Jedi and Sith concluded with the restoration and rise of the modern Galactic Republic, ushering in the Republic Era which was an age of peace that lasted for a thousand years. The Republic's history was officially reset, and the ages before this event were merged into a collective whole known as the Old Republic-era.

At one time, Coruscant's fellow city world of Troithe rivaled it as the Republic's cosmopolitan center, holding a population in the billions. A notable portion of those citizens were part of major merchant and noble families. However, Coruscant ultimately outpaced Troithe in industrial growth. As years passed, Troithe fell into decline.[24] At least five millennia before the start of the Galactic Civil War,[25] a rogue faction of Jedi broke away from the Jedi Order, believing that practicing the dark side of the Force would benefit in the furthering of Jedi power. This schism divided the Order on ideological grounds, igniting an event known as the Hundred-Year Darkness, which, in turn, resulted in the formation of the Sith.[26] At one point, they managed to construct a dark shrine on Coruscant. The rogue faction was ultimately defeated and they were exiled from the Old Republic into uncharted space.[6]

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As the Old Republic spread its influence across the stars, it came into contact with various other powers, one of them being the Zygerrian Slave Empire. Due to the fact that, at some point in its past, the Old Republic declared slavery illegal and expected other civilizations of the galaxy to comply, it took an aggressive stance against the Zygerrians. The Zygerrian Empire, which was built upon slavery, refused to comply, forcing both the Old Republic and the Jedi to intervene. After joining together, the Old Republic and Jedi Order sent their armies against the empire after the Zygerrians refused. The Old Republic ultimately came out victorious, driving the practice of slave trading into the underworld, dismantling the empire, and confining what was left of its government to Zygerria, the civilization's homeworld.[29] Another one was the rogue Predori empire.[30]

Eventually, the Sith would return in full strength, invading the Old Republic. From there, the dark Order would do battle with the Jedi and the Old Republic. This would lead to a series of conflicts between both groups that would go on for thousands of years until the Old Republic's ultimate collapse.[26] During one of the wars, the Jedi fought the Sith Empire on Malachor, which proved to be one of the most devastating battles in the history of the Order.[31]

At some point, the Old Republic came into contact with the Mandalorian people. The warrior civilization began a series of unprovoked military campaigns against the Old Republic. Later on, after all-out war erupted, the Jedi stepped in to defend the Republic.[32] In the meantime, Republic and Jedi forces continued to wage war against the expanding Sith Empire. During these wars, both sides would construct massive superweapons powered by large kyber crystals capable of mass destruction.[33][34]

The Old Republic managed to regain some of its strength after its forces had reclaimed the capital, capable of going on the offensive.[15] The Jedi were strong enough to finally end its ancient war against the Mandalorian clans. A battle between both groups on the planet Mandalore left the planet ravaged and lifeless.[37] It was during this time too when the Sith were finally defeated in 1032 BBY.[38] The armies of the Old Republic[39] and Jedi Knights[40] were able to defeat the remaining Sith[39] at the Mid Rim Territories planet[41] Ruusan[42] by taking advantage of the infighting within the Order,[39] which proved to be the Sith's undoing.[42] The Sith abandoned their traditional homeworld of Moraband after it was scarred by many wars,[43] and went into hiding.[6] Very few Sith remained by that point, and they ultimately destroyed themselves. Only one Sith Lord survived; Darth Bane reinvented the Sith by creating the Rule of Two. Henceforth, their ranks were limited to a Sith Master and a Sith apprentice.[39]

As the Old Republic fell apart as a result of its continuous wars, the Jedi Order finally believed itself victorious from its conflict with the Sith, who they believed to have been destroyed completely. Finally, with peace restored to the galaxy, the shattered Old Republic reorganized itself into the modern Galactic Republic,[15] which would usher in over one thousand years of stability in an epoch known as the Great Peace.[44] The story of Old Republic Regent Hylemane Lightbringer and his supposed immortality would be remembered in history texts along with Old Republic music such as the Sestina of Imperator Vex, which would continue to be sung even in the months following the Battle of Endor.[17]

The modern Republic was a democratic union that consisted of multiple star systems spread across the galaxy.[1] With the exception of small-scale conflicts that the Jedi dealt with, the Republic Era was an age of peace and stability that lasted for over a millennium.[15] This version of the Republic existed in a demilitarized state for most of its history;[9] as such, the government relied on the Jedi Knights, who upheld their mandate as the guardians of peace and justice.[48]

Lacking a formal military due to the galaxy's peace, the Republic was protected by a small peacekeeping fleet known as the Republic Defense Coalition, which was helped by the Jedi Order. Despite the large-scale partnership between them and Republic during the era,[28] there came to be some Jedi who doubted whether it was truly the will of the Force for them to act so closely with the government. Indeed, Jedi Master Cohmac Vitus believed it was a Republic and Jedi partnership that had led to the massacre on Dalna[56] from over a century prior.[68] The partnership between the two parties would only increase when the Nihil conflict began;[56] the conflict began when starships were abruptly knocked out of hyperspace in a galaxy-wide event known as the Great Hyperspace Disaster[52] caused by the Eye of the Nihil Marchion Ro, a member of the Ro family who had destroyed the transport Legacy Run in hyperspace, which made its remains come out of hyperspace in the Hetzal system, causing a sudden crisis as they rained upon the system. Beyond wanting revenge on the Jedi for secretive, family reasons, Ro had made his move to ensure the Nihil raiders could grow beyond what they were currently. With the Republic expanding into the Outer Rim, he knew they would need to change themselves to survive, launching his plot to ensure he could secure leadership over the raiders.[28]

The RDC deployed the Emissary-class Republic Cruiser Third Horizon to the Hetzal system in response to the Hetzalian government's distress signal. Aboard the ship, Jedi Master Avar Kriss was overseeing the effort, learning through her Force network that some of the fragments raining upon the system contained living beings. She helped lead the effort to rescue the system's refugees and everyone aboard the fragments until she detected a large container of liquid tibanna threatening the system's R-class star. Kriss and the other Jedi used their combined focus to move the container with the Force, while the RDC continued to focus on evacuating the remaining refugees. The Jedi's effort to move the container was broadcast across the Outer Rim and into the inner Republic worlds by technician Keven Tarr; while he had at first only sent the signal to Chancellor Soh, he did not want his star system to be destroyed without being acknowledged, so the people of the Republic watched the Jedi effort. At first, the Force users failed, but their second attempt moved the container, saving Hetzal and resulting in cheers across the Republic.[28]

Although it was a larger mobilization effort than anything done for sometime, Soh established an RDC blockade of various Outer Rim hyperspace routes, intending to protect starships from being destroyed in hyperspace by stopping that travel altogether. The blockade would ultimately be forced to grow as more systems were effected by the Emergences. As predicted by Senator Izzet Noor, who served as the spokesperson in the Senate for the majority of the Outer Rim, the blockade brought strife, as many Rim worlds were not self-sufficient and depended on hyperspace for trade. During a meeting on Coruscant fifteen Emergences into the crisis, Soh had pledged to send supply ships into hyperspace if a food crisis grew too dire, although the halting of the trade still had major negative effects for the Rim. During that same meeting, she established that the hyperlanes would remain closed, minus limited transport of essential goods, until they knew more about the crisis before noting she was unwilling to postpone the dedication of the Starlight Beacon; it was nearly finished, and she wanted to use the event to showcase a triumph over adversity.[28]

Amidala undertook a journey to Coruscant to plead her homeworld's case to the Senate, but the damage to the Naboo Royal Starship's T-14 hyperdrive generator necessitated a detour to the remote world of Tatooine for repairs. Acting on Gunray's report, Sidious instructed his Sith apprentice, Darth Maul, to locate and reacquire the queen as only she had the authority to sign a treaty making the Federation's occupation of Naboo legal. Although Maul tracked them to Tatooine, he failed to prevent the Jedi from escaping with Amidala on her repaired starship. In addition, Jinn took custody of an emancipated slave child, Anakin Skywalker, whom he found to be exceptionally strong with the Force. Believing that he had found the prophesied Chosen One, Jinn brought Skywalker to Coruscant to begin his Jedi training.[10] e24fc04721

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