An webcomic series, titled Star Wars: The Old Republic: Threat of Peace, was written by game developer Robert Chestney with art by Alex Sanchez. The story spans ten years from the signing of the Treaty of Coruscant to the events that start the game. The comic was produced by Dark Horse and released bi-monthly from February 27, 2009, to March 2010. It is separated into three acts titled Act 1: Treaty of Coruscant, Act 2: New Galactic Order and Act 3: Uncertain Surrender.

It is four thousand years before the Galactic Empire and hundreds of Jedi Knights have fallen in battle against the ruthless Sith. You are the last hope of the Jedi Order. Can you master the awesome power of the Force on your quest to save the Republic? Or will you fall to the lure of the dark side? Hero or villain, savior or conqueror... you alone will determine the destiny of the entire galaxy! Features An epic Star Wars role-playing experience with unique characters, creatures, vehicles and planets. Learn to use the Force with over 40 different powers, plus build your own Lightsaber. Adventure through iconic Star Wars locations, including Tatooine and the Wookiee homeworld of Kashyyyk. Choose your party from nine customizable characters, including Twi'leks, Droids and Wookiees. Travel to seven enormous worlds in your own starship, the Ebon Hawk. A streamlined user interface, custom-made for the iPad's touch screen, helps immerse you in the action.

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A soldier of the Galactic Republic wakes up to find himself in the middle of a battle on the Hammerhead-class capital ship Endar Spire, which is on a mission under the Jedi Sentinel Bastila Shan. Trask Ulgo, another Republic soldier, aids his escape from the doomed vessel and splits off to face Darth Malak's apprentice Darth Bandon. Trask seals the door behind him and buys his brother in arms time to escape. After entering the starboard section and finding Carth Onasi in the escape pod bay, the two join up and crash-land on the Sith-occupied ecumenopolis of Taris. Carth is able to drag the unconscious man from the wreckage and rent an abandoned apartment in the Upper City. The man remains in a stupor for the next few days.

Malak tries once more to delay Revan by unleashing more battle droids upon him, but Revan proves more resilient than he had expected, making it past them and into Malak's chamber. A long duel ensues. Revan starts to overpower Malak who uses the technology of the Star Forge and the bodies of Jedi he had captured from the Jedi academy on Dantooine to fuel his power, restoring his lifeforce and strength to maximum levels. Revan releases the suffering Jedi one by one by destroying the machines containing them and allows them to become one with the Force. Malak is forced to rely on his own dark power and after a long battle, Revan finally succeeds in defeating Malak who expresses regret in his last moments before dying.

Carth Onasi is an intensely loyal Commander and expert pilot with the Republic at the time of his escape in an escape pod with one other soldier, the mind-wiped Revan, to Taris after the attack on the Endar Spire. Thus begins Carth's involvement in the adventure that will ultimately become a quest for the Star Maps and the destruction of the Star Forge. After escaping the attack on Taris aboard a stolen starship, the Ebon Hawk, Carth, Revan, Bastila and an ever growing number of companions, make their way to Dantooine, where Revan begins his training as a Jedi and Carth is officially assigned as pilot to the Ebon Hawk. Throughout the journey, Carth slowly reveals to Revan his past and obsession with killing his former mentor, Saul Karath, who is one of the individuals he blames for the death of his wife during the bombing of Telos IV. He comes to view Revan as a friend and is devastated when the group is captured aboard the Leviathan and Saul reveals to him that Revan is in fact the former Dark Lord of the Sith, before exacting his revenge on Saul. Carth is forced to reexamine his views regarding himself and Revan and comes to the conclusion that neither one of them are the same man they used to be and vows to help save Revan from himself and destroy the Star Forge. After the Battle of Rakata Prime, Carth is awarded the Cross of Glory and is promoted to Admiral.

Jolee Bindo is an aging Jedi who has spent the last twenty years in a self-imposed exile deep in the Shadowlands of Kashyyyk. Revan first encounters Jolee during his search for the Star Map on Kashyyyk, during which Jolee's help is necessary. Cryptic and close-mouthed about his past, other than revealing that he had fought the Sith in the Great Sith War, Jolee announces his intention to travel with Revan claiming that he can see the swirl of destiny surrounding the Padawan and is curious to discover how it will end. Throughout the adventure, Jolee gradually reveals pieces of his past. He tells Revan of his days as a smuggler and his reasons for leaving the Jedi Order, effectively labeling him as a Gray Jedi. His most startling revelation concerns his wife, Nayama and her fall to the dark side. Jolee is adamant in his conviction that love is important and advises Revan to remember that. The revelation of Revan's past is no surprise to him, since he had already come to that conclusion earlier. He believes that the Force wants him to help Revan and that impression is reinforced at the Temple of the Ancients, at which he experiences a Force vision that prompts him and Juhani to accompany Revan into the temple. His participation in the destruction of the Star Forge earns him the Cross of Glory.

After she gives in to Bastila's offer to join her in killing Malak, she would tell the group the same thing as the male Revan would, though Carth's reaction varies slightly, saying that she is not the woman he fell in love with (if the Carth romance was completed) before running away.[29] Uncaring, she still kills Mission and flies up to the Star Forge in the Ebon Hawk. After Revan kills Malak she heads back to the hangar to find Carth. Carth tells her that the Republic fleet picked him up from the planet surface and that he informed them of her betrayal. He also told them that he couldn't give up on her. He started to persuade her back to the light when Bastila entered the room and convinced Revan to stay on her current path. Revan kills Carth, and returns to Rakata Prime to retake her title as Sith Lord. In a cut-scene that did not make it to the final game, Revan had a third option to kill Bastila and die aboard the Star Forge with Carth. It was not placed in the final version because the developers did not have enough time for finishing the game. However, these features can be returned to the game through modding.[30]

If Revan was specified as a woman, the player and Carth would start flirting on the surface of Taris right away,[31] though they would verbally fight later over Carth's trust issues. The story in the middle is the same until they reach Lehon. After Revan returns from the temple, Carth and Revan admit their feelings for each other.[32] Flying up to the Star Forge and fighting Malak goes exactly the same as the male version but Revan and Bastila don't profess their love for each other.[33]

All items are organized in an inventory which can be reached in the start menu at any point outside of a conversation. It has the ability to filter in a specific type of item, such as weapons, so that only that kind of item is shown. It is organized into all items, utility items, usable items, equippable items, quest items, and new items, which are marked by a purple coloring. Utility items include stimulants which raise stats for a short amount of time, medical items such as medpacs or antidote kits used for regaining health or fixing status effects, multiple types of grenade that cause different damage types or status effects, many kinds of armable mines, armor, weapon, and lightsaber upgrades such as different crystals; as well as spikes for hacking computers or bypassing security. Quest items include items required for advancing the story, such as the Star Map data, or for completing many side-quests, such as datapads. Useable items also include medical items, stimulants, and equippable personal shields.

As the player leans more to the dark side, his appearance begins to change, relative to the character model chosen at the beginning of the game. Generally, he becomes pale and his hair color starts to fade. When player leans completely to one side, he earns "Mastery" of that side and surges with the Force, earning a bonus in battle.

Upon starting a new game, the player is given a choice between three different classes for the player character: Scout, Scoundrel, and Soldier. Each has the player character's abilities develop in a different way, accentuating different styles of play, and grant different starting abilities. After the player character is taken to Dantooine, he becomes a Jedi Padawan. At this point, the player is given another choice between three classes. These in turn alter the way the player character's Force powers develop. The three classes are Jedi Consular, Jedi Sentinel, and Jedi Guardian.

Carth Onasi, first as a helmsman aboard the Republic ship, Courageous, in Issue 8, and later as a Lieutenant in his next appearance, Issue 14 onwards. In Issue 31 he was removed from his bridge post for "losing" Carrick after fighting alongside the Jedi and developing a friendship with him. He was reassigned to a squadron of Aurek-class strikefighters, Onasi allowed Carrick to escape from him yet again, this time from an engagement between the Aurek squadron and the starship Moomo Williwaw. Carrick slinked away in the junkhauler Deadweight. In the penultimate issue, Onasi was given back his post, on the bridge of the Inexpugnable-class Swiftsure, and fought to capture a slaver ship called the Gladiator. e24fc04721

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