eBell Procedures

Please follow these procedures to request publication of an item in St. Annie's eBell:

 1. Send your request in an email with either a website link or a separate document attached in pdf format

                                                                        to the of the following email address: 


2. Please indicate how long you would like it to appear. We will try to leave notices in the eBell per your request, as long as space is available. 

3. St. Annie’s eBell is sent out weekly (usually on Wednesday). Please submit your items no later than the Monday before you would like it to                          appear in the eBell, to allow time for approval. 

4. Please include a description in the subject line of your email and give your attached file a descriptive file name.

        Example: email re: Lunch w/Santa attachment name: SantaFlier.doc 

5. Notices will be placed in the eBell if they are directly related to school, parish, Archdiocesan or community activities.  


All requests are subject to the approval of school administrators before placement

