A baptism class is required for parents and God parents before the date for baptism will be set.
Please register two to three months in advance! It is even easier for parents to attend the class while the mother is expecting her baby.
If a child is seven years or older, and has not been baptized, he or she needs to attend 2 years of Religious Education
before receiving the sacraments of Baptism and First Eucharist.
God parents or sponsors must be practicing Catholics.
Spiritual Preparation begins at least six months in advance.
Please do not make your reservations until you have met with the pastor.
Marriage Proceedures St Anne & St Ambrose.pdf
Marriage Scripture Readings.pdf
Reconciliation - Confessions
Reconciliation - Confessions
Confessions at St. Ambrose
Saturdays 3:00 pm to 3:30 pm and 5:30 to 5:45 pm
Going to Confession and Examination of Conscience.pdf