
Stance Detection in Arabic Language Shared Task

Part of the The Second Arabic Natural Language Processing Conference (ArabicNLP 2024) Co-located with ACL 2024


The vast growth of social media platforms, online news outlets, and digital communication has increased user-generated content exponentially in recent years. This unprecedented surge in online discourse has sparked an urgent need to develop automated tools and techniques to effectively analyze the opinions and attitudes expressed within these expansive streams of text. Stance detection, a critical task within the field of Natural Language Processing (NLP), aims to identify the position or perspective of a writer towards a specific topic or entity by analyzing their written text and/or social media activity, such as preferences and connections. The applications of stance detection are diverse and encompass domains such as politics, marketing, and social media analysis.

Shared task description

The goal of this shared task is to propose models for detecting writers' stances (Favor, Against, or None) towards three selected topics (COVID-19 vaccine, digital transformation, and women empowerment). Participants can approach the stance detection task through single-task or multi-task learning (MTL). Single-task learning-based models depend only on the stance data for model development and training. MTL-based models can use other information, such as the sentiment and sarcasm of each tweet, to boost the performance of the stance detection system. 


The possible stance labels are:


Participating teams will use the publicly available "Mawqif" dataset. Mawqif comprises 4,121 entries distributed across "COVID-19 vaccine" (1,373 entries), "digital transformation" (1,348 entries), and "women empowerment" (1,400 entries). 

It is structured as a multi-label dataset with labels including  stance (Favor, Against, None), sentiment (Positive, Negative, Neutral), and sarcasm (Sarcastic and Non-sarcastic).


We will use the macro F1-score as the bottom-line evaluation metric. The macro F1-score is computed as the average of the F1-scores for the "FAVOR" and "AGAINST" categories. This metric is computed for each target separately, and then the overall macro F-score is computed across all targets.

An evaluation script has been provided so that you can:

A blind test set will be used to evaluate the outputs of participating teams.


Registration is currently closed.

 ImportAnt dates

- February 15, 2024: Shared task announcement. Release of training data and scoring script.

- March 31, 2024: Registration deadline.

- May 11, 2024: Submission of evaluation due.

- May 22, 2024: Shared task papers due.

- June 17, 2024: Notification of acceptance.

- June 28, 2024: Camera-ready papers due.

- August 16, 2024: ArabicNLP Conference.


Nora Alturayeif

Imam Abdulrahman Bin Faisal University

King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals

King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals

Asma Yamani

King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals

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