Near a gray and unnamed city is the Zone, a place guarded by barbed wire and soldiers, and where the normal laws of physics are victim to frequent anomalies. A stalker guides two men into the Zone, specifically to an area in which deep-seated desires are granted.

The film's plot is about a man who is a "stalker". This means that he is a bit of a tour guide to a location or realm called "the zone". The Zone is explained in the film, but only vaugely. We know it is supposed to be a place where wishes come true. The stalker is taking two people to the zone. One is a writer, and the other is a professor. The three men make the voyage to the zone, pausing along the way to ruminate on the meaning of life.

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When the user calls Stalker.follow(), under the hood, the JavaScript enginecalls through to either gum_stalker_follow_me() to follow the current thread,or gum_stalker_follow(thread_id) to follow another thread in the process.

In the case of gum_stalker_follow_me(), the Link Register is used to determinethe instruction at which to start stalking. In AArch64 architecture, the LinkRegister (LR) is set to the address of the instruction to continue executionfollowing the return from a function call, it is set to the address of the nextinstruction by instructions such as BL and BLR. As there is only one linkregister, if the called function is to call another routine, then the value ofLR must be stored (typically this will be on the stack). This value willsubsequently be loaded back from the stack into a register and the RETinstruction used to return control back to the caller.

We can see the next instruction mov x3, x30, puts the value of the linkregister into X3. The first 8 arguments on AArch64 are passed in the registersX0-X7. So this is being put into the register used for the fourth argument. Wethen call (branch with link) the function _gum_stalker_do_follow_me(). So wecan see that we pass the first three arguments in X0-X2 untouched, so that_gum_stalker_do_follow_me() receives the same values we were called with.Finally, we can see after this function returns, we branch to the address wereceive as its return value. (In AArch64 the return value of a function isreturned in X0).

Now you will see that the functionality of gum_stalker_infect() is actuallyquite similar to that of _gum_stalker_do_follow_me() we mentioned earlier.Both function carry out essentially the same job, although_gum_stalker_do_follow_me() is running on the target thread, butgum_stalker_infect() is not, so it must write some code to be called by thetarget thread using theGumArm64Writerrather than calling functions directly.

Stalker works on one block at a time. It starts with either the block after thereturn to the call to gum_stalker_follow_me() or the block of code to whichthe instruction pointer of the target thread is pointing whengum_stalker_follow() is called.

We covered gum_exec_ctx_obtain_block_for() previously in our section ontransformers. It calls the transformed implementation in use, which by defaultcalls gum_stalker_iterator_next() which calls the relocator usinggum_arm64_relocator_read_one() to read the next relocated instruction. Then itcalls gum_stalker_iterator_keep() to generate the instrumented copy. It doesthis in a loop until gum_stalker_iterator_next() returns FALSE as it hasreached the end of the block.

Most of the time gum_stalker_iterator_keep() will simply callgum_arm64_relocator_write_one() to emit the relocated instruction as is.However, if the instruction is a branch or return instruction it will callgum_exec_block_virtualize_branch_insn() orgum_exec_block_virtualize_ret_insn() respectively. These two virtualizationfunctions which we will cover in more detail later, emit code to transfercontrol back into gum_exec_ctx_replace_current_block_with() via an entry gateready to process the next block (unless there is an optimization where we canbypass Stalker and go direct to the next instrumented block, or we are enteringinto an excluded range).

This function looks through the list of contexts looking for the one for therequested thread. Again, it sets the state of the context toGUM_EXEC_CTX_UNFOLLOW_PENDING. If the thread has already run, we must wait forit to check this flag and return to normal execution. However, if it has not run(perhaps it was in a blocking syscall when we asked to follow it and never gotinfected in the first instance) then we can disinfect it ourselves by callinggum_process_modify_thread() to modify the thread context (this function wasdescribed in detail earlier) and using gum_stalker_disinfect() as our callbackto perform the changes. This simply checks to see if the program counter was setto point to the infect_thunk and resets the program pointer back to itsoriginal value. The infect_thunk is created by gum_stalker_infect() which isthe callback used by gum_stalker_follow() to modify the context. Recall thatwhilst some of the setup can be carried out on behalf of the target thread, somehas to be done in the context of the target thread itself (in particular settingvariables in thread-local storage). Well, it is the infect_thunk whichcontains that code.

Stalker micro usually involves using Blink to climb cliffs, stutter stepping to use the Stalker's fast speed compared to most T1 units, and using blink to recharge the shields of stalkers at the front of the battle by blinking behind the army and losing attack priority.

True Stalker offers players to experience a completely original, lengthy storyline through the eyes of an ordinary stalker named Axe. Although Axe has been in the Zone multiple times before, he never dared to venture past the Cordon due to fearing of what's beyond it... But realizing that life outside of the Zone has long lost its meaning to him, he decides that time has come to finally start heading deeper into the Zone... And that's when the game starts off.

Is it normal for the stalker named Shooter to leave the garbage hanger he gave the quest to kill bandits in the train tunnel. going into chapter six and still haven't turned in the quest cant find him anywhere. 17dc91bb1f

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