ThesCon 2024

December 12-14, 2024

60th Annual CO Thespian Conference

ThesCon Permission Slips & IE Requests DUE

Cost- $230+

$130 (registration) + approx. $100 (hotel) + variable cost of 2 lunches & 2 dinners + optional $25-$100 (college auditions and IEs)

ThesCon Info

2024 Conference Schedules will accessible before the conference via Guidebook.Download the app on your phone and search for Colorado Thespian Conference or visit to access the schedule on the web.

DECEMBER 12-14, 2024

Where: Colorado Convention Center in Denver, Colorado

What: Be a part of the Rocky Mountain region’s leading educational theatre event, the 2024 Colorado State Thespian Conference. The Colorado State Thespian Society will be hosting their 60th annual high school and middle school theatre conference December 12-14. High School Theatre in Colorado supports the fifth largest economic industry, the creative sector.

When: ThesCon is always held the first or second weekend in December, depending on city and facilities availablity. Middle schools gather for a one day event on Thursday, while high school troupes begin arriving Thursday afternoon with the conference concluding Saturday afternoon.

thespys/individual events

Thespys, or Individual Events are competition events that inducted thespians may participate in at Colorado ThesCon. More information on all categories and requirements can be found HERE. Each student may participate in up to 2 events.

All State Opening Number:

We’re looking to cast 15-20 student performers from around Colorado to participate in the ThesCon Opening Number! The audition is open to all students grade 8-12 who attend the Colorado State Thespians Conference. We are looking to cast students who complete the following process by October 20th at midnight, no exceptions. More info here.

Thespys in Acting, Musical Theatre, Film, and Tech:

Tech Challenge:

Materials for the technical Theatre Challenge can be found here. Registration for this event must be done through Troupe Director logins in our registration system.

Improv Showcase:

Schools can register their entire improv performance group, or any part of their improv performance group – up to 25 members. Groups will present and work as an ensemble to demonstrate a unique and specific style of improv performance. It has been the mission of Colorado Thespians to showcase improvisation as a form of theatre, as opposed to merely being humorous. Colorado Thespians believes that students who enter the Improv Showcase are ready to stretch their skills into a more authentic form of self-expression.

Each School may register one performance group, with a maximum of 25 troupe members allowed for this event. There will only be 40 performance spots available.  On the day of the event, each group will be given a 15 minute performance slot at the conference.   In this time frame your group will be required to introduce your troupe, solicit and receive suggestions, and engage the audience with your performance.

We highly encourage teams who enter the Improv Showcase to work with a sponsor or a director to allow their own authenticity to be strengthened through their performance. The more comfortable the performers are with going into a place of truth during their performance within their ensemble, the more the audience will be engaged in the showcase. Each troupe’s performance will receive feedback following the conference, in order to better hone your craft. The charge for this event is $25 per participant.

The rubric for the Improv Showcase can be found on the within the troupe directors login in the registration system and on

College auditions

Juniors at GHS are highly encouraged to attend and audition at International Thespian Festival to avoid auditioning during caroling season.

Information about college audtions can be found here:

Questions can be emailed to:

Audition Application Deadline is November 18th



Colorado State Thespians offers the opportunity for senior thespians to audition for over forty Universities, Colleges, and Conservatories from across the nation. 



Audition Form Tip: Each auditor will be viewing your application and audition online through thespianpointtracker, so the auditor’s first impression of you is your online presence. Please follow directions to make your first impression a good one!


Callbacks through a personal interview with college and university representatives will occur at ThesCon. Be sure to check the method of contact (cell or email address) you provided in thespianpointtracker to see what schools would like to meet with you individually about your audition and future with their school.  Be prepared to answer questions about yourself, your goals in theatre, and to ask about the school’s program. You may be asked to repeat all or a portion of your audition. Please have the courtesy to contact all schools that call you back. Scholarships and admission, based on your audition, may also be offered to you by mail, phone or email after the conference is over.



Your university audition doubles as your audition for a Dr. Jay Seller Colorado Thespians Scholarship. $2,000 scholarships are offered to one student in Acting, Musical Theatre, and Technical Theatre. The auditors will select the recipient in attendance on the basis of your audition. The award will be made directly to your college or university on confirmation of your intent and enrollment. The award is presented at the closing of the conference and the recipient/troupe must be in attendance to perform or accept their technical theatre award.


Acting: Perform one or two contrasting selections from published literature within the two-minute time limit. Choose characters reasonably close to your own age that provides opportunity for physicalization. Make sure you feel comfortable with the selections and make your characters come fully alive in the short time you have.

Musical Theatre: Perform one acting and one musical selection within the two-minute time limit. Accompaniment for musical auditions can be recorded or a student can choose to sing acapella. Dance auditions fall under Musical Theatre. To audition for dance, perform one acting or musical selection and a one-minute dance routine. Follow the applicable rules above, a dance only audition will not be allowed.

Technical: Present your portfolio of designs, renderings, plots, books, pictures, etc. which illustrate your expertise in an area of technical theatre. You should prepare to discuss your work, the production for which you’ve done the work, and your expectations of future theatre involvement.

Students can only participate in an audition for ONE of the above categories. No multiple auditions in multiple categories are allowed.