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Session 1: Reimagining the DBQ Essay

Writing essays are not the only way for students to practice literacy and document analysis skills. Learn how to use tech tools that will get students talking about their learning, engaging in deep conversations, and practicing document analysis skills beyond the DBQ essay format. Transform a typical writing assignment like an essay to something that incorporates the 4Cs of 21st century learning - communication, collaboration, creativity, and critical thinking.

[TECHGRIT] Ditching the Five-Paragraph Essay

Session 2: Fun, Fast, Formative assessments!

Check out some of my favorite digital assessment tools to quickly get valuable feedback to guide your instruction and communicate learning targets with your students. We will explore Kahoot, Quizizz, and Quizlet and I will share with you tips and tricks for using them successfully in the classroom.

[TECHGRIT] Fun, Fast, Formative Assessments!


Flipgrid is a video discussion platform used to enhance student engagement and learning. It not only lends itself to active learning, but it also opens the doors to collaborative learning on a global level. Flipgrid can be used to build classroom community, digitize the reader's response, show what students know, end of unit reflections, and much more. Flipgrid enables you to give every student a superpower - their own voice!

[TECHGRIT] Flipgrid for Student Voice