You can speed up Stable Diffusion with the --xformers option. If you have less than 8 GB VRAM on GPU, it is a good idea to turn on the --medvram option to save memory to generate more images at a time.

If you want to use the computer as a server and access the GUI with another computer, use the argument --listen to enable a connection from another computer. You will need to set the firewall appropriately on the server, and this is beyond the scope of this installation guide.

Stable Diffusion Download Install

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It worked fine at least on my 4080RTX, the key part (at least for me) was that the default python installed for the default Ubuntu distribution kept trying to use python 3.9.

Which resulted in an error code:

Error code: 137

When I went in my command prompt to download the folder and put in git clone -diffusion-webui.git and then go to the folder %userprofile%\stable-diffusion-webui it shows that there is nothing in the folder. Is there any way I can delete the folder and try re cloning it in the command prompt?

I'm contemplating going back to Ubuntu 22.04 because I'm facing an issue with installing Stable Diffusion (via Automatic1111) on my newly installed Ubuntu 24.04. The sole purpose of installing Ubuntu on this gaming laptop (with a discrete 3070 gpu) is to run stable diffusion.

Based on my limited finding, it seems Ubuntu 24.04 comes pre-packaged with Python 3.12.3. But the webgui from Automatic1111 only runs on 3.10x. (I don't have the source right now, but it was on one of the many threads I've been reading since last night).

I understand 24.04 is brand new at this point, so there's not a lot of info out there about this. I'm posting here with the hope that more folks will land on this if they face the issue, and we will all get a solution. :)

Given how this is really just a web interface (unless I'm misreading it) you could in theory just run through a Docker container which would allow you to run any Python version you want. The tricky part here is that you're supposed to provide access to the GPU and that's where I'm not sure if it'd work.

Another option would be using a virtual machine but same concern regarding the GPU.

Give that a shot with the deadsnakes ppa - looks promising. I'm not on Zorin right now to test it out, but I'm fairly confident that will work. I'm going to try this later on, I've got some family events to attend for turkey and stuffing.. my face

Also may need to remove previous version of Python to get that broken packages message cleared up. Willing to bet that since the dependencies issue while trying to install, that broke so just needs to be removed. Happened to me a lot with the kernel utility - wouldn't install right and would break, then would have to remove and get it another way.

Zorin OS depends on Python 3.8. For reasons unknown to me... software devs are in the habit of setting software depends based on the python version specifically instead of dynamically.

So replacing 3.8 with 3.10 will break Zorin OS since so many pieces of the system do this.

The method is to install both and leave 3.8 as default and then switch the individual application to reference 3.10 instead of default.

@337harvey may be a lot more help than I on this, since he has actively done this. It is Thanksgiving Holiday here, so may need to allow him some time off before responding.

I imagine the trick here is that you still have Python 3.8, so nothing is going to break because of that. Then, it's only a matter of ensuring that the stable-diffusion-webui is not invoking the generic "python" command, which normally is a symlink to the system's default Python binary, but the version at 3.10.

Thanks for advice. I have used several deep learning-based image processing programmes, but I found that they are not casual about image generation. I would like to organise the information and consider it again.

Having different versions of Python installed is much like having multiple versions of Wine installed. I've now got both Python 3.8 and 3.10 installed, and working.. and if I want to use 3.8, I specify - like when using another version of Wine..

For sure - system breaking is outlined in the ppa notes from deadsnakes. Pretty much the only reason I suggested using that ppa instead of trying to install the full version and really mucking things up.. That - would not be fun lol

As per the stable-diffusion-webui documentation, the Python executable used is determined by a variable named python_cmd. If not explicitly set by the user, it will default to be python3. In ZorinOS 16, python3 is a symbolic link to the Python3.8 executable. Since the minimum required version is Python 3.10, I'm suggesting to specify this variable explicitly to point to the correct binary (once you have it installed of course).

It sounds like they use this: GitHub - AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui: Stable Diffusion web UI

which attempts to automate all the steps, which makes it more difficult to know what actually fails.

Stable Diffusion is a fantastic new tool that uses AI technology to generate high-quality artwork for free. This software allows people without special artistic or technical skills to use computers to create beautiful, eye-catching images that look like real artists made them.

Stable diffusion can save time and money associated with manual image creation. It can be used both by amateurs who are passionate about art as well as by professionals that want to speed up their work process or even enhance the quality of their work.

Video game design, graphic design, book illustrations, cartoons, comic books, advertising, architecture, interior design, fashion industry, augmented reality, medical visualizations, e-commerce, and event planning visualizations are just a few of the fields this technology can be useful for.

The easiest method that does not require any installation is to use the stable diffusion demo version available online. This version allows you to generate images based on text prompts and is really good for newcomers that just want to get the feel of this new technology. However, this version is very limited and missing lots of advanced options that are available in the stand-alone download extended version of the software.

Create a dedicated folder, you can call it stable diffusion (or any other name you prefer). Make sure the drive you create the folder on has enough available space on it. You need to make sure there is at least 10 GB of free space.

Now it is time to download the stable diffusion. We will download the 1.5 model version. Please note that once you get familiar with using one model it is advised to experiment with the other models as well. Different models can give different results and be better suited for specific art styles or image types.

There are 2 .cpkt files available for download on that page. The first one is called v1-5-pruned-emaonly.ckpt and it weighs around 4 GB. The second one is called v1-5-pruned.ckpt and is about 7 GB in weight. Download the one that weighs less ( v1-5-pruned-emaonly.ckpt).

You can see there are lots of options and we will go over those in detail. But you can start using the software right away just by typing a description in the prompt field and clicking the generate button. Very quickly you will realize that every little change you make in your description greatly affects the image created by this ai engine.

At the top left corner of the stable diffusion window, you will see a dropdown menu with the title Stable Diffusion checkpoint. That is where you can select the stable diffusion model you want to run the generator with. At this point most likely you only have one option (the one described in this post).

The first fields to get familiar with are the prompt fields. Those are the fields you use to type in the description of the image you want to generate. The description should be as clear and as detailed as possible.

The number of sampling steps has an impact on the level of detail and refinement in the generated image. The higher the number of sampling steps, the more detailed and polished your image will become but also the longer it will take to generate it.

The sampling method refers to the algorithm used to generate images based on the provided prompt. Some sampling methods will result in more stylized artistic images while others may produce more photorealistic results.

Batch size and batch count are closely related terms and a standard user might find it difficult to differentiate between those two. Batch size defines the number of different images the software will generate in one iteration (the max number of such images per iteration is 8). While batch count (which can be set up to 100) determines the total number of iterations performed. The total number of generated images is the multiplication of the batch count and batch size values.

The cfg scale value affects the level of similarity between the generated image and the text description used to create it. The value is in the range of 1 to 30. The higher the cfg scale, the more closely the generated image will resemble the prompt, and vice versa.

The seed number affects the randomosity of the generated image. When set to -1 ( which is the default value) each generated image will be completely random. The same seed value will produce the same results every time it is used. The seed number of each generated image can be.

Although this interface may look a bit intimidating at first. Almost all the settings we covered in the text2image interface are present here. At the top, we still have the place to enter our prompt and negative prompt. The width and height, cfg level, sampling methods, sampling steps, batch size, and batch count are all here at the bottom of the screen.

At the main part of the interface, we have a place to upload our images. The image we upload here as a starting point can be anything really. It can be a photograph, can be a sketch a very rough sketch of how we want our composition to look, and it can also be a base image we previously generated with the text2image interface but we want to improve. 152ee80cbc

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