QFT in Curved Spacetime

Lecture 1, Formalism: We will review the notion of particles in the context of a driven harmonic oscillator, and show that there is spontaneous production of particles. After a brief review of quantisation of a scalar field, we will introduce the formalism for dealing with quantum fields in the presence of curved backgrounds.

Lecture 2, Green Functions and Particle Detectors: This lecture will present a model of a physical particle detector, and ask what it perceives as it traces a world-line. We will begin by reviewing Green functions for the scalar field to talk about the detector response. A detector moving with uniform acceleration will be found to experience a thermal bath of particles.

Lecture 3, Unruh and Hawking Effects: We will use the formalism developed in lecture 1 to calculate the Bogolubov transformations between the Minkowski and Rindler vacua, finding again the same thermal bath of particles. Hawking effect will be seen to map to the Unruh effect in Kruskal coordinates.