St. Julie Billiart
Choir Webpage
Welcome to the website for members of the St. Julie Billiart Choir. I have created this page as a way to provide music schedules, recordings, and/or videos for you to use as we learn, sing, and pray together.
-Mary Pokrywka (Po-Kriv-Ka)
If you have questions or need to get in touch with me, please call or text me at 440-823-0497.
You can also email me at or
All music displayed or made available through this site is possible with permission through One License A-400278 for the use of St. Julie Billiart Music Ministers. All Rights Reserved.

Sing to the Lord
Sing to the Lord
Music in Divine Worship
This document is from the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops and is an excellent resource for understanding the use of Music in Liturgy.