Policies and Guidelines

Roles of Students

To ensure a positive environment for learning,  faith development sharing and community building, RE students must commit to --

Roles of Parents

"Parents [are the] primary educators of their children (166). (226) The witness of Christian life given by parents in the family comes to children with tenderness and parental respect. Children thus perceive and joyously live the closeness of God and of Jesus made manifest by their parents in such a way that this first Christian experience frequently leaves decisive traces which last throughout life. This childhood religious awakening which takes place in the family is irreplaceable."

"(248) The family as a locus of catechesis has a unique privilege: transmitting the Gospel by rooting it in the context of profound human values. (249) On this human base, Christian initiation is more profound: the awakening of the sense of God; the first steps in prayer; education of the moral conscience; formation in the Christian sense of human love, understood as a reflection of the love of God the Father, the Creator. It is, indeed, a Christian education more witnessed to than taught, more occasional than systematic, more on-going and daily than structured into periods." - Excerpts from the General Directory for Catechesis


We could not stress enough the importance of the roles of parents and guardians in the faith formation of their children.  It is with this that we enjoin them in carefully observing, honoring and give serious consideration of their commitment in the religious awakening of their children. Please read the Covenant Statements on your RE Handbook. 

Policies and Guidelines

Attendance & Punctuality

(Primary and Intermediate Levels)



Conduct and Behavior

Students are expected to behave in a prayerful and respectful manner at all times. Refer to the "Roles of Students" for the student expectations.

In cases of disruptive and inappropriate behavior, the following progressive steps will be followed:

Guests / Visitations

In order to provide a safe learning environment,