

科研費シンポジウム 「ベイズ統計学の最近の展開

日時:2023127日(金) 13:00〜17:40

場所:東京大学大学院経済学研究科学術交流棟(小島ホール)1階 第2セミナー室 (ハイブリッド開催)

参加登録: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScwG0EJouiZ4mSmYnR2Rx0e61xViv_zSYLTy-_9vUzNhLroXg/viewform

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開催責任者:菅澤 翔之助(東京大学)、入江 薫(東京大学)、橋本 真太郎 (広島大学)、小林弦矢 (明治大学)、中川智之 (東京理科大学)


科学研究費補助金 基盤研究(B) 21H00699

「大規模データに対するベイズモデリングの新展開」 (研究代表者: 菅澤翔之助)


13:00-14:10 セッション1 (座長: 菅澤 翔之助)


鎌谷 研吾 (統計数理研究所)


間野 修平 (統計数理研究所)  

14:10-14:25 休憩

14:25-16:10 セッション2 (座長: 小林 弦矢)


奥戸 道子 (東京大学)

「Robust Bayesian Inference for Accelerated Failure Time Models using Log-regularly Varying Scale Mixtures 」

羽村 靖之 (京都大学)


松田 孟留 (東京大学)

16:10-16:30 休憩

16:30-17:40 セッション3 (座長: 入江 薫)

「Clustering and Predicting Time Series Count Data via Mixture of Bayesian Predictive Syntheses」

小林 弦矢 (明治大学)

Bayesian Analysis of Mixtures of Lognormal Distribution with an Unknown Number of Components from Grouped Data

各務 和彦 (名古屋市立大学)



鎌谷 研吾 (統計数理研究所)



間野 修平 (統計数理研究所)

量子計算が古典計算を何らかのタスクにおいて何らかの意味で優越することを量子超越 (quantum supermacy)

という.その実証のためにランダムな量子回路の出力を古典計算機でシミュレートするタスクが考えられ,2019 年に Google が 53量子ビットの量子計算機を用いて量子超越の達成を報告した.本講演ではその検証をランダム確率測度を用いたベイズ推測として定式化する.


奥戸 道子 (東京大学


Robust Bayesian Inference for Accelerated Failure Time Models using Log-regularly Varying Scale Mixtures

羽村 靖之 (京都大学)

Uunobserved heterogeneity related to influential observations affects inference for survival analysis. For example, the popular Proportional Hazards assumption can be violated in the presence of unobserved confounders. For robust Bayesian estimation for accelerated failure time models, it is useful to consider infinite mixtures of lifetime distributions by introducing a local parameter or random effect. However, the theoretical properties of robustness have not been clear yet in Bayesian community. In this paper, we introduce a new family of life-time distributions based on scale mixtures of gamma distributions, and we propose mixing densities which induce both robust and efficient inference. The proposed methods are theoretically supported in terms of the whole robustness of posterior densites.


松田 孟留 (東京大学)


Clustering and Predicting Time Series Count Data via Mixture of Bayesian Predictive Syntheses

小林 弦矢 (明治大学)

When the time series observed over multiple observational units, a cluster of time series often exhibits similar dynamics. Exploring such similarity and cluster structure often provides more insight about the data and improves the predictive performance through borrowing strength within the same cluster.

Also, treating multiple series in clusters will require a smaller number of parameters than employing a multivariate model. Since there is a limitation in the predictive capability of a single model, it is usually more fruitful to combine multiple predictive models. The present paper address this issue by proposing a novel methodology which groups the time series into clusters where the predictive models are utilised in the same way to predict the time series in the same cluster. Since the proposed model is in the form of the mixture of the dynamic factor models, it is called the mixture of Bayesian predictive syntheses. The model is estimated with the MCMC algorithm that consists of the data augmentation and recursive algorithm for dynamic linear models. Through the application to the weekly numbers of hospitalisation for COVID-19 at a prefecture-level in Japan, we demonstrate the proposed model has the superior predictive performance and provides some convenient information on interpretation and diagnosis of the analysis.

Bayesian Analysis of Mixtures of Lognormal Distribution with an Unknown Number of Components from Grouped Data

各務 和彦 (名古屋市立大学)

This study proposes a reversible jump Markov chain Monte Carlo method for estimating parameters of lognormal distribution mixtures for income.Using simulated data examples, we examined the proposed algorithm's performance and the accuracy of posterior distributions of the Gini coefficients.Results suggest that the parameters were estimated accurately. Therefore, the posterior distributions are close to the true distributions even when the different data generating process is accounted for. Moreover, promising results for Gini coefficients encouraged us to apply our method to real data from Japan. The empirical examples indicate two subgroups in Japan (2020) and the Gini coefficients' integrity.