Search Committee Updates

Update 3/8/21

Finalization of interview questions and requesting dates everyone would be able to meet to begin interviewing. Interviewing to begin within 2 weeks.

Update 3/7/21

The search committee met with D'Rue for the first part of the meeting to learn about what questions could and could not be asked of potential candidates. She also presented candidates for us to review. The second part of the meeting was spent finalizing interview questions for round 1.

Update 2/21/21

The search committee met to continue discussion on potential interview questions and the areas of concentrations to focus on in a first interview.

Update 2/14/21

The search committee met to begin the process of formulating interview topics and develop questions for interviews once the application process closes.

Update 2/7/21

The search committee met with D'Rue from the Diocese to discuss next steps since the job posting went live. The search committee will begin to narrow down interview questions.

Update 1/14/21

The narrative and portfolio has been approved by the Vestry and sent to the Diocese. Finalizations to the website to be made so that it can go live.

Update 1/7/21

Renewal Works presentation given to the search committee by Patty Law and Marsha Dent. The narrative has been approved and portfolio has been finalized.

Update 12/10/20

Updates on additions to the website to give updates for members as well as potential candidates given. The portfolio and narrative were reviewed. The vestry is expected to review in January and approved to send to the Diocese.

Update 11/30/20

Search Committee met to provide updates on completing the narrative which is the initial step in beginning the search.

Update 11/18/20

Initial meeting of the search committee with guidance from the Diocese in what to expect during the process and the next steps to begin the process.