Library activities

Samiksha i : Book review competition

SSR IMR Knowledge Resource Cell hosts SAMIKSHA: I, a Book Review Competition for MBA 1st semester students. The primary aims of this event are manifold: fostering familiarity with the library's book collection, cultivating a habit of reading, honing presentation skills, and bolstering self-assurance among participants. Participation is compulsory for all students. Students are tasked with selecting a book from the library or their personal collection and delivering a 10-minute presentation in the classroom. The class is divided into three groups, and from each group, the top three reviewers are identified and acknowledged with certificates in recognition of their achievement. Click here for a full report

Samiksha iI: article review competition

Every year, we organize SAMIKSHA: II (Article Review Competition) for MBA second-semester students. The objectives of this competition are to raise awareness about magazines, journals, and library resources available at the Library, to foster reading habits, and to keep students informed about the latest updates in their respective subject areas. Attendance at this competition is mandatory for all students. Participants are required to select any article from a magazine or journal and present it for 5 minutes in the classroom. The entire class is divided into three groups, from each of which the top 3 reviewers are selected and the winner is appreciated with a certificate. Click here for a full report

celebration of National youth day

SSR IMR proudly celebrates National Youth Day on the 12th of January each year, with the profound objective of acquainting the youth with the life and teachings of the great monk, Swami Vivekananda, and inspiring them to incorporate his profound thoughts into their lives. National Youth Day serves as a platform for SSR IMR to encourage introspection and personal growth among the youth, urging them to reflect on Vivekananda's principles and apply them in their daily lives. Through various competitions, seminars, workshops, and interactive sessions, students are encouraged to explore avenues for self-improvement and social responsibility, inspired by the timeless wisdom of Swami Vivekananda.  Click here for a full report

celebration of reading inspiration day

SSR IMR Library committee celebrates Reading Inspiration Day annually on 19th October on the birth anniversary of the visionary leader and former President of India, Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam. This event serves as a tribute to his unwavering commitment to education, knowledge, and intellectual growth. Through engaging guest sessions and spirited competitions, SSR IMR endeavors to ignite a passion for reading and learning among its students, in line with Dr. Kalam's visionary ideals. Click here for a full report

celebration of National Library Week

SSR IMR Knowledge Resources Centre celebrates National Library Week at the Institute from 14th to 19th November every year with different types of Library activities like Bookmark Making Competition, Quiz Competition, Selfie with my favorite book, Mass reading with nature, Library orientation program and organized a session for students. Click here for a full report

library @ your desk

This activity is exclusively reserved for staff members. The latest issues of journals and magazines are to be shared with faculty members twice a month, specifically on the dates 1st to 15th and 16th to 30th of each month. Upon receiving these materials, staff members are required to review them and pass them on to other staff within three days. The primary objective of this activity is to ensure that staff members remain informed about the periodicals available in the library and stay updated with the latest developments in their respective subjects. To facilitate this process, the library maintains a register to track updates and stores all periodicals in a designated box named "Library @ Your Desk. "Furthermore, some staff members may choose to share these periodicals with students during classroom sessions and provide reviews or insights about the content. This serves to enhance students' understanding of current topics and encourages them to engage with scholarly literature beyond the classroom. Overall, this activity fosters a culture of continuous learning and knowledge sharing among staff members, ultimately enriching the academic environment within the institution.

Samiksha iV: SELF INTRODUCTION review

Every year, we host SAMIKSHA: IV (Self-Introduction Review Competition) for MBA fourth-semester students. The primary objective of this competition is to assist students in crafting effective self-introductions for interview sessions. Serving as a platform for students to enhance their communication skills, and self-confidence, and overcome stage fear for future job opportunities, SAMIKSHA: IV plays a crucial role in their professional development journey. Evaluation is conducted by our esteemed alumni and industry representatives, who provide valuable guidance to students on delivering impactful self-introductions. Participation in this competition is mandatory for all students. The class is divided into three groups, and the top 3 reviewers from each group are selected, with the overall winner being recognized and awarded a certificate for their achievement. 

best reader award

Every year, the SSR IMR Knowledge Resource Cell announces the Best Reader awards for two categories: students and staff. These awards are determined based on the extent of library resource utilization and the frequency of visits throughout the year. The winners of the Best Reader awards are unveiled during the farewell event and are commended with a special memento. The primary aim of this initiative is to inspire users to frequent the library and make the most of its resources. 

Best reader award for the MBA batch of 2022-24

Best reader award for the MBA batch of 2021-23

Best reader award for the staff category for AY_2023-24


During the National Library Week celebration, the SSR IMR Knowledge Resource Cell introduces the Mass Reading with Nature event. This innovative initiative invites students to immerse themselves in the world of books while surrounded by the serene beauty of nature. Students are provided with books from the library and gather in teams at various picturesque spots near the college building, beneath the leafy canopies of trees, and in other tranquil locations for a duration of half an hour. This endeavor not only fosters a love for reading but also encourages students to develop a deeper connection with nature. By combining the joys of literature with the serenity of the outdoors, Mass Reading with Nature aims to cultivate and enhance students' reading habits while fostering an appreciation for the natural world. 

selfie with my favorite book

During the National Library Week celebration, the SSR IMR Knowledge Resource Cell encourages students to participate in a unique activity by inviting them to capture selfies with their favorite books. This interactive initiative aims to celebrate the joy of reading and the personal connections students have with literature. All the captivating photos submitted by the students are proudly displayed within the library, transforming the space into a vibrant showcase of literary appreciation. By showcasing these snapshots of enthusiasm and literary passion, the library becomes not only a repository of knowledge but also a testament to the diverse interests and inspirations of its readers.    

celebration of international yoga day

Every year, SSR IMR, under the aegis of IQAC, celebrates "International Yoga Day" on June 21st, emphasizing the promotion of a good and healthy life for both staff and students. The Institute meticulously arranges invigorating yoga sessions, thoughtfully selecting seasoned yoga teachers to guide participants. These sessions serve as a cornerstone for instilling the values of holistic well-being and mindfulness within the institute's community. During these gatherings, the yoga teachers eloquently convey the profound significance of yoga in nurturing physical fitness, mental clarity, and emotional balance in the lives of the students. Through these enlightening discussions, students gain a deeper appreciation for integrating yoga practices into their daily routines, thereby enriching their overall academic and personal experiences. 

meditation session

SSR IMR Knowledge Resource Cell under the aegis of IQAC annually orchestrates Meditation Sessions for MBA I and II year students. Dr. Somnath Bava, Librarian, plays a pivotal role in these sessions by imparting fundamental knowledge about meditation. Through engaging presentations, Dr. Bava delves into various aspects such as the historical context and significance of meditation, its myriad benefits, diverse types and techniques, as well as the practical process involved. This comprehensive overview equips students with a deeper understanding of meditation's profound impact on holistic well-being. Furthermore, during the session, students actively participate in 15 minutes of guided practice, facilitated through immersive videos and soothing music, fostering a serene atmosphere conducive to inner reflection and tranquility.

celebration of librarian's day

Annually, India commemorates Librarian’s Day on August 12th in honor of the Birth Anniversary of Padmashri Dr. S.R. Ranganathan, affectionately known as the “Father of Indian Libraries” and the pioneer of Library Science, Documentation & Information Science. In homage to his legacy, SSR IMR Knowledge Cell, under the auspices of IQAC, joyously celebrated "Librarian’s Day" on August 12th, 2023, marking his 131st Birth Anniversary. The festivities commenced with a solemn lighting of the lamp ceremony graced by the esteemed presence of SSR campus librarians and SSR IMR faculty members. Dr. Somnath Bava, SSR IMR Librarian, delivered an inspiring address, reflecting on the significance of the occasion. Dr. Rajesh Kumar Pandey, Associate Professor, and Mr. Amar Vangad, Assistant Professor, shared insightful messages underscoring the pivotal role of librarians and libraries in educational institutions. The celebration concluded with heartfelt expressions of gratitude and best wishes extended to the dedicated librarians for their invaluable contributions to fostering knowledge and learning within the SSR community.

book talk

Every year, the SSR IMR Knowledge Resource Cell organizes engaging book talks for the enrichment of students' literary experiences. These sessions serve as vibrant platforms for avid readers to delve into insightful discussions, exploring the themes, characters, and narratives of various literary works. Additionally, guest speakers are invited to share their expertise and perspectives, further enhancing the depth and diversity of the conversations. Through these enlightening exchanges, students not only deepen their understanding of literature but also cultivate critical thinking skills and broaden their intellectual horizons. Furthermore, these book talks foster a sense of community and camaraderie among participants, creating an atmosphere conducive to the celebration and appreciation of the written word.

e-resources awareness session

Each year, the SSR IMR Knowledge Resource Cell hosts a dedicated session for incoming MBA students, enlightening them about essential E-resources such as N-LIST, DELNET, NDLI, SWAYAM MOOCs, and other valuable databases crucial for their educational journey. This informative session includes an engaging online practical demonstration, where students learn firsthand how to effectively utilize these resources. Through interactive tutorials, students gain proficiency in navigating databases and honing their research skills to efficiently retrieve the required information, ensuring they are well-equipped to excel in their academic pursuits. Moreover, this initiative serves as a cornerstone in fostering a culture of digital literacy and resourcefulness among the student community, empowering them to harness the full potential of E-resources for their educational advancement.

celebration of world book day

Annually, the SSR IMR Knowledge Resource Cell, in collaboration with the IQAC, joyously observes World Book Day within the institute premises, aiming to nurture a profound affection for reading through a variety of engaging activities. In the previous year, 2023, our festivities commenced with the unveiling of a vibrant banner during the assembly, inviting both students and staff to share their thoughts and opinions about books. This initiative sparked enthusiastic participation, with a total of 40 individuals contributing their insights to the banner, enriching our literary community with diverse perspectives. Building on the success of the previous year, in 2024, we introduced a dynamic Book Review Competition conducted in video format. This innovative approach not only encouraged creativity but also provided a platform for participants to showcase their analytical skills and passion for literature. The deserving winner was honored with a prestigious appreciation certificate on April 23, 2024, commemorating their outstanding contribution to the celebration of World Book Day.

Samiksha iII : Biography Review Competition

Annually, the SSR IMR Knowledge Resource Cell proudly hosts SAMIKSHA: III (Biography Review Competition) tailored for MBA third-semester students. Before the event, the Cell meticulously compiles a curated list showcasing the remarkable lives of eminent Indian personalities. Each student is tasked with selecting a biography from this esteemed collection and delivering a concise 5-minute presentation within the classroom setting. The primary aim of this initiative is to deepen students' understanding of the lives and legacies of influential figures while fostering a spirit of admiration and appreciation for their contributions to society. Following the presentations, a panel of esteemed judges meticulously evaluates the performances, recognizing the most outstanding presenters with certificates and prizes as a token of commendation for their exemplary efforts. This competition not only cultivates a sense of reverence for our nation's luminaries but also instills in students a lifelong passion for learning and discovery.