Common Core ELA (Under Construction!)

How To Use These Resources (Please View Before You Use This Page):

Overall Common Core ELA Regents Tips

Overall Common Core ELA Regents Tips: This work belongs to the Catskills High School ELA Department

Source: Catskills High School ELA Department

Part 1: Multiple-Choice Section (Reading Comprehension)

A. Multiple-Choice Basics: This work belongs to YouTube user Courtney Reynolds

Essential Resource: Breakdown of CC ELA Part 1

Source: YouTube user Courtney Reynolds

B. Multiple-Choice Strategies: These works belong to YouTube user learningwithmslee & Christy Kingham

Essential Resource 1: Part 1 - Basics, Strategies, & Practice

Source: Christy Kingham

Essential Resource 2: Passing Part 1 of CC ELA

Source: YouTube user learningwithmslee

C. Multiple-Choice Fundamental Skills: These works belong to Bob Dial, Christy Kingham, & YouTube user RoyalEducation

Essential Resource 1: Defining words you don't know

Source: Bob Dial

Essential Resource 2: Analyzing Poetry

Source: Christy Kingham

Essential Resource 3: General Strategies

Source: YouTube user Royal Education

Essential Resource 4: Improving Reading Comprehension

Source: YouTube user Royal Education

Essential Resource 5: Word Comprehension

Source: YouTube user Royal Education

D. Multiple-Choice Section Example: This work belongs to YouTube user learningwithmslee

Essential Resource: Practice with Part 1 of CC ELA

Source: YouTube user learningwithmslee

E. Multiple-Choice Section Practice: These works all belong to the New York State Education Department (

Part 2: Argument Essay

A. Argument Essay Basics: These works belong to YouTube users learningwithmslee and Courtney Reynolds

Essential Resource 1: Breakdown of Part 2

Source: YouTube user learningwithmslee

Essential Resource 2: Overview of Part 2

Source: YouTube user Courtney Reynolds

B. Argument Essay Strategies: These works belong to YouTube user learningwithmslee, Bob Dial, Christy Kingham, NYSED, & Bronx Science

Essential Resource 1: Part 2 - NYSED Argument Essay Rubric

Sources: NYSED and Bronx Science

Essential Resource 2: Part 2 - Basic Strategies & Essay Outline

Sources: Bob Dial & Christy Kingham

Essential Resource 3: Part 2 - Argument Essay Structure

Source: YouTube user learningwithmslee

C. Fundamental Skills for Argument Essay: These works belong to Christy Kingham & Purdue Online Writing Lab

Essential Resource 1: Using Quotes & Paraphrasing

Source: Christy Kingham

Essential Resource 2: Writing an Argumentative Essay

Source: Purdue Online Writing Lab

D. Argument Essay Structure with Example (note that this uses a variant on Bob Dial's Sample Outline Structure): This work belongs to YouTube user MsValentine10

Essential Resource: Example of Argumentative Essay

Source: YouTube user MsValentine10

E. Argument Essay Prompts & Exemplars - All works belong to the New York State Education Department (

Part 3: Text-Analysis Response

A. Text Analysis Response Basics: This work belongs to YouTube user Courtney Reynolds

Essential Resource: Overview of Part 3

Source: YouTube user Courtney Reynolds

B. Text Analysis Response Strategies: These works belong to the New York State Education Department, Bob Dial, Christy Kingham, and YouTube user learningwithmslee

Essential Resource 1: Text Analysis Response Rubric

Source: NYSED

Essential Resource 2: Text Analysis Response Strategies

Source: Bob Dial

Essential Resource 3: Outcome Targets with Regents Rubric

Source: Christy Kingham

Essential Resource 4: Text Analysis ~ TEA-IDEA Strategy

Source: YouTube user learningwithmslee

Essential Resource 5: TEA-IDEA, Further Explained

Source: YouTube user learningwithmslee

C. Fundamental Skills for Text Analysis Response: These works belong to Xenia, Haverling High School, and Quizlet user balonedoda

Essential Resource 1: Literary Elements 101

Source: Xenia

Essential Resource 3: Literary Term Flashcards

Source: Quizlet user balonedoda

Essential Resource 2: More Literary Terms

Source: Haverling High School

D. Text Analysis Response Example: This work belongs to Christy Kingham

Essential Resource: Text Analysis Response Example

Source: Christy Kingham

E. Text-Analysis Response Prompts & Exemplars - All works belong to the New York State Education Department (

More Practice CC ELA Regents Exams

More Practice CC ELA Regents Exams: These exams are property of the New York State Education Department