Pre K to Grade 8

Welcome Back to P.E.


I would like to share some general information about P. E. Class for the new

school year. My goal for this year and every year in P. E. is to help my students to

improve their physical condition by:

  • Instructions in good daily health practices
  • Participating in Cardio exercises and games
  • Experiencing team sports, individual sports, skills, the rules, and a little history of each sport
  • Having Fun!

PE Homework. Since students only have P.E. twice a week, I am going to encourage all our students this year to exercise and stretch every day at home as part of the 60 minutes of physical activity that they need every day. On the Google Site you will find the exercises and stretches we do every P. E. class. Exercise Instructions

PE Expectations and Gym Rules

  1. Be safe at all times.
  2. Listen to instructions.

3. Treat everyone with respect.

4. Take care of all equipment.

5. Wear proper PE clothing.

6. Participate and have fun.

If a student makes a mistake (as we all do) they are always given a chance to take a short time to think about their behavior. If the behavior continues I will be using the discipline policies stated in the Handbook.

P.E. Grades

How do you grade P.E. class? I am often asked this question.

I keep records on each student's participation, sportsmanship, and behavior in class (conduct). At the end of the quarter I assign a number value to each letter grade.Then using the number of classes I compute how each child did.

Please call, or email me with any concerns or questions you have. I will do the same. Communication with each other presents to the students that we are all working together to help them be stronger, and do better in school. I look forward to working with your children this year.


Mrs. Peggy Martin