One of the typical scenarios where sshtunnel is helpful is depicted in thefigure below. User may need to connect a port of a remote server (i.e. 8080)where only SSH port (usually port 22) is reachable.

I'm using sshtunnel to connect to connect to a remote server and on to a database from there. Everything is working fine, except that sshtunnel doesn't seem to recognize my ssh_private_key_password unless I've already entered it elsewhere (or more likely I'm making a mistake when providing it).


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In order to keep tunnel reconnecting after disconnect you need to install and configure the additional service sshtunnel.The service also provides an easy UCI configuration file and has LUCI app to configure from GUI.

The SSH client included by default on OpenWrt is DropBear dbclient.It's small and supports remote and local tunnels but has limited options.Previously, before the sshtunnel version 5.1 it's package installed as a dependency the full openssh-client.If you have enough of space it's generally recommended to install it with a command opkg install openssh-client.

I have two routers with OpenWrt and I want to make an ssh tunnel from one router to another to forward remote port. And I want to know how to make it properly.

I can login into the router and make a ssh -R command myself and it works fine. OpenWrt uses Dropbear's dbclient as the ssh client.

But I wan't to make the tunnel working automatically and reconnect on each network failure so I found the sshtunnel but it uses OpenSSH client which is quite large for my 4mb router.

So the first question: why the sshtunnel package can't just work with dropbear? Does the dropbear is so poor on this? Is any important features of openssh client in tunneling that can't be replaced with dropbear?

I found a related thread Set up ssh tunnel, the procd way with a simple init script so it seems like someone uses this approach.

While searching I also found that people also uses autossh for tunneling but I'm not sure if I need it.

If I'll use just a dropbear for port forwarding then do I need the autossh?

Thank you for any your recomendations

Today we will setup a Flask Web Service on our Remote Server (Side B) which will be listening on and setup the SSH Tunnel with the sshtunnel module in Python from our client side (Side A). Then we will make a GET request on our client side to the port that we are forwarding via the tunnel to our remote side. ff782bc1db

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