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(0039) 023041044 e poi digitando il codice della stanza delle plenarie (è sempre lo stesso, come il link): 121 922 0281

Giovedì 10, ore 09.30 - 11.00

PLENARIA 1 - Un dialogo indisciplinato sul rapporto geografia e cibo Tavola rotonda con:

Saverio DI BENEDETTO (giurista, Università del Salento), Cristina GRASSENI (antropologa, Università di Leiden), Alberto MAGNAGHI (urbanista, Società dei Territorialisti/e-SdT), Alfredo MELA (sociologo, Politecnico di Torino), Alessandro MONTELEONE (economista agrario, CREA), Rossano PAZZAGLI (storico, Università del Molise e Società dei Territorialisti/e-SdT), Maria Stella RIGHETTINI (politologa, Università di Padova, Rete PLC)

Introduce e modera Egidio DANSERO (Presidente Società di Studi Geografici, Università di Torino e Rete PLC)

Giovedì 10, ore 17.00 - 18.00

PLENARIA 2 - Prospettive dai contesti anglofoni e francofoni

Assembling Global Foodscapes

Michael WOODS (Aberystwyth University)

This talk will discuss how globalization is reshaping the geographies of food. Using an assemblage approach, it will examine how and why certain localities are enrolled into global networks as key sites of production supplying international markets and consider the implications for local communities, landscapes and food systems, illustrated by brief examples from Australia, Brazil and New Zealand

Food Question and Production of Space

How the new food equation is shaping the urban/rural relationships in the 21st century. A French perspective

Ségolène DARLY (Université Paris VIII)

This presentation will start by briefly picturing the local mix of the « new food equation » as it unfolds in France since the beginning of the century. It will then show how this context is bringing public and collective actors to put forward local food supply and functional urban/rural links as cornerstones of territorial food governance. At last, I will explore the geography of two "actually existing" local supply practices observed in the outskirts of the Parisian agglomeration (self-production and local supply for "ethnic" market places) as a method to assess their impacts

Introduce e modera Giacomo PETTENATI (Università di Torino, Rete PLC)

Discute Annalisa Colombino (University of Graz)

Venerdì 11, ore 09.00 - 10.00


Ricerche militanti e partecipative nella geografia del cibo

Intervengono: Chiara CERTOMA' (Università di Torino), Chiara TORNAGHI (Università di Coventry, Coordinatrice del Sustainable Food Planning group - Aesop), Marcos SAQUET (Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Paranà)

La sessione intende stimolare un confronto tra geograf* e collegh* di altre discipline con una prospettiva di ricerca militante, sui temi dell'agroecologia e dell'urban gardening, considerando il cibo come elemento catalizzatore e attivatore di pratiche e protagonismo sociale.

Introduce e modera Alessia TOLDO (Università di Torino, Rete PLC)

Venerdì 11, ore 11.30 - 13.00


Geographies of Possible Food Future

Moya KNEAFSEY(Centre for Agroecology, Water and Resilience, Coventry University)

In the context of multi-faceted ecological crises and a global food environment in which hunger, malnourishment and obesity scar the lives of so many, how will the geographies of food develop? This presentation argues for the need to cultivate diverse geographical imaginations about food in order to create food systems that are more socially-just, environmentally sustainable and resilient in the face of climate change. Diverse geographical imaginations can help us to re-think the relationships between food makers and food eaters, as well as helping us to reconsider the spaces and places used for growing, processing, selling and consuming food. In particular, the talk hopes to stimulate discussion about the role and potential of territorial food systems in the future geographies of food.

Discutono Giaime BERTI (Scuola Sant'Anna di Pisa, Rete PLC), Filippo RANDELLI (Università di Firenze, SSG e Rete PLC,)

Dibattito e conclusioni