Call for Papers

Lecture Notes in Computer Science - Proceedings

Important Dates

  • Paper submission: June 15 2021

  • Paper Submission EXTENDED: 2nd July 2021

  • Notification: July 19 2021

  • Camera-ready: July 31 2021

  • Workshop date: August 19-20 2021 (UK afternoon/Evenings)


The Workshop will issue:

  • A Best Paper Award to the author(s) of the best accepted paper, as judged by the Organising Committee based on the reviews assigned by PC members.

  • A Best Student Paper Award, selected in the same way.

  • A Prize to be awarded to the winners of each of the four Challenges. We reserve the right to issue Honourable Mentions to the most original challenge entries.

Topics Covered

The goal of this workshop is to propose to the research community in artificial intelligence and machine learning the new continual semi-supervised learning problem. At the same time, we will accept papers on continual learning in its broader sense, covering for instance the following topics:

  • Analysis of suitability of existing datasets for continual learning.

  • New benchmark datasets explicitly designed for continual learning settings.

  • Protocols for training and testing in different continual learning settings.

  • Metrics for assessing continual learning methods.

  • Task-based continual learning.

  • Relation between continual learning and model adaptation.

  • Learning of new classes as opposed to learning from new instances.

  • Real-world applications of continual learning.

  • Catastrophic forgetting and mitigation strategies.

  • Applications of transfer learning, multi-task and meta-learning to continual learning.

  • Continual supervised, semi-supervised and unsupervised learning.

  • Lifelong, few-shot learning.

  • Continual reinforcement and inverse reinforcement learning.

The list is in no way exhaustive, as the aim is to foster the debate around all aspects of continual learning, especially those which are subject of ongoing frontier research.

Submission Guidelines

Papers submitted to the workshop will follow the standard IJCAI 2021 template (6 pages plus 1 for the references), see

Paper submission will take place through EasyChair at:

The organisers are negotiating with top publishers the nature of the proceedings, further details will be provided soon.

Authors are welcome to submit a supplementary material document with details on their implementation; however, reviewers are not required to consult this additional material when assessing the submission.

The Workshop will allow for the submission of papers concurrently submitted elsewhere, with the aim of aggregating all relevant efforts in this area.

Double-blind review

Authors must not include any identifying information (names, affiliations, etc.) or links and self-references that may reveal their identities.

The organisers aim to provide feedback from three reviewers per submission, which will assess the submission based on relevance, novelty and potential for impact. Reviewers are asked to assess the submission (Reject/Borderline/Accept) as well as provide written feedback. There will be no additional rebuttal period.

The authors of accepted papers must guarantee their presence at the workshop. At least one author for each accepted paper must register for the conference.


Do you have some questions? Please contact