What is needed to do a review?

If you took a look at the RETREAT framework on the previous page you will have noted there are a number of things required to successfully complete a review.  Researchers often under estimate the time and resources required.  You will need at least one other reviewer to screen through all of the papers.  You will need access to a reference management system such as Endnote.  If you are undertaking a meta analysis you will also need to contact a biostatistician.  



Methodological guidelines require that multiple reviewers are involved during all stages of a review.

It is not rigorous enough to single review the papers at the title/abstract screening stage, or to use a sampling approach to quality control.

If you are under a short or tight timeline you could consider doing a rapid review instead.

A protocol


Developing a review protocol can:

Primary studies!


How many papers do I need?  This is a common question from researchers, and there is no definite answer.

However as a very general guide you would be hoping for more than 4 papers in the final analysis (personal opinion).

Scope searches:  Scope your topic first in a database you are comfortable with.