Slides & abstracts

2020/2021 (SRS, ongoing)

  • 25/06/2021 - Ivan Beschastnyi (Universidade de Aveiro): Lie groupoids and the minimal domain of the Laplace operator on almost-Riemannian manifolds - [Youtube]

  • 04/06/2021 - Yves Colin de Verdière (Institut Fourier): Geodesics and Laplace spectrum on 3D contact sub-Riemannian manifolds: the Reeb flow - [Youtube]

  • 21/05/2021 - Federica Dragoni (Cardiff University): Asymptotics for optimal controls for horizontal mean curvature flow

  • 23/04/2021 - Raphael Ponge (Sichuan University): The tangent groupoid of a Carnot manifold - [Youtube]

  • 02/03/2021 - Steven Flynn (Bath): Unraveling X-ray Transforms on the Heisenberg group - [Youtube]

  • 12/03/2021 - Emanuel Milman (Techion): Functional Inequalities on sub-Riemannian manifolds via QCD [SLIDES] - [Youtube]

  • 19/02/2021 - Corey Shanbrom (California): Self-similarity in the Kepler-Heisenberg problem [SLIDES]

  • 29/01/2021 - Yuri Sachkov (Pereslavl): Sub-Riemannian geometry on the group of motions of the plane [Video] - [SLIDES]

  • 08/12/2020 - Dario Prandi (CentraleSupelec): Point interactions for 3D sub-Laplacians [Youtube]

  • 11/12/2020 - Davide Vittone (Padova): Differentiability of intrinsic Lipschitz graphs in Carnot groups [Youtube]

  • 20/11/2020 - Clotilde Fermanian Kammerer (Paris Est): Semi-classical analysis on H-type groups

  • 30/10/2020 - Robert Young (New York): Metric differentiation and embeddings of the Heisenberg group [Youtube] - [SLIDES]

Spring 2020 (ISRS)

  • 26/06/2020 - Luca Rizzi (Institut Fourier, CNRS): Heat content asymptotics for sub-Riemannian manifolds [SLIDES]

  • 12/06/2020 - Tuomas Orponen (Helsinki): Sub-elliptic boundary value problems in flag domains [SLIDES]

  • 29/05/2020 - Manuel Ritoré (Granada): Wulff shapes in the Heisenberg group [SLIDES, with video]

  • 15/05/2020 - Maria Karmanova (Moscow): A New Look at Carnot-Caratheodory Spaces Theory and Related Topics [SLIDES]

  • 30/04/2020 - Richard Montgomery (UC Santa Cruz): Magnetic playground fields for understanding subRiemannian geodesics [SLIDES]

  • 17/04/2020 - Enrico Le Donne (Pisa and Jyväskylä): Mathematical appearances of sub-Riemannian geometries [SLIDES]

2019/20 (SGAS)

  • 16/06/2020 - Andrea Pinamonti: Γ-convergence and H-convergence for functionals and operators depending on vector fields

  • 04/05/2020 - Davide Vittone: Some new results about the Sard problem in Carnot groups

  • 21/04/2020 - Frédéric Jean: Geodesic equivalence of sub-Riemannian metrics and a sub-Riemannian Weyl theorem

  • 17/12/2019 - Davide Barilari: Bakry-Émery curvature and model spaces in sub-Riemannian geometry

  • 19/11/2019 - Pierre Pansu: L^1 cohomology of Heisenberg groups

  • 22/10/2019 - Emmanuel Trélat: Spectral analysis of sub-Riemannian Laplacians and Weyl measure