Sub-Riemannian Seminars

The "Sub-Riemannian seminars" are the union of the "Séminaire de géométrie et analyse sous-riemannienne" (held in Paris since 2011) and the "International Sub-Riemannian Seminars", which were born in spring 2020 as a reaction to the COVID-19 pandemic.

The new format will gather every 3 weeks on average, alternating between these types of sessions:

  • physical session in Paris at Laboratoire Jacques-Louis Lions, also transmitted online on Zoom.

  • virtual session, fully online on Zoom.

  • special sessions hosted by partner institutions (e.g. the PaPa seminar in Padova, co-organized by D. Barilari, V. Franceschi and R. Monti).


Zoom: link

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Researchseminars series: link


Ugo Boscain, Enrico Le Donne, Luca Rizzi, Mario Sigalotti, Emmanuel Trélat

Feel free to contact one of us if you wish to give a talk


The aim is to help connections between researchers working on different aspects of the analysis and geometry of sub-Riemannian manifolds in the broad sense, including the following topics:

  • Carnot-Carathéodory geometry

  • nonholonomic mechanics and geometric control

  • metric geometry

  • analysis on Lie groups

  • hypoelliptic diffusion

  • spectral theory of degenerate elliptic operators

  • geometric measure theory

  • geometric group theory

  • anisotropic shape optimization


The seminars are on Friday at 16:00 (Paris time). You can import the calendar in your own agenda following this link.

Past talks (with links to slides and video, when availabe)