Ant Treatments management cairns


Ants are irritating common pests in Far North Queensland homes. Nesting in wall cavities, kitchens and bathrooms. They are well known for their nuisance factor however they can carry disease organisms causing dysentery and salmonella.

Some ants may cause painful bites and allergic reactions.

Colonies can develop very quickly inside and outside the home. Without the right knowledge, products and equipment they are almost impossible to control.

SR Pest Control Ant Treatments

  • Thoroughly inspect the property
  • Apply gel baits to sensitive areas
  • Apply granules to outside areas and roof voids
  • Apply dusts to cracks, voids and roof void, as required
  • Use specially formulated sprays inside and and outside the premises
  • Advise the client on non chemical controls to assist the result and help reduce re-infestation

​All our products are safe for occupants and their pets and SR Pest Control runs a comprehensive service warranty.


Ghost Ant

Ghost ant

  • 1.6mm long
  • Pale translucent legs and abdomen

Coastal Brown Ant

Coastal brown ant

  • 1.5-2.5mm long
  • Yellow/brown to brown in colour

Black House Ant

Black house ant

  • 2.5-3mm long
  • Shiny black

Yellow Crazy Ant

Yellow crazy ant

  • They have invaded Far North Queensland and landowners now have to take responsibility for the management of infestations on their own properties. These ants have been classified as unable to be eradicated and have to be managed.
  • They are an introduced species and are destructive to the native fauna and flora. They spray formic acid, which causes burning and irritation of skin and eyes in animals and humans.
  • As licenced pest managers, we can take the worry out of your hands and implement a pest management program using proven registered products to manage your infestation.
  • 5mm Long
  • Yellow to brown ant. Abdomen is dark, sometimes striped.
  • Body is long and slender
  • Legs and antennae are very long.
  • Walking style is erratic.