
Just a few reminders...

 *Please follow school uniform policy. I have seen so many students out of uniform - wrong school bottoms, shirts untucked, and especially when it comes to shoes. Tennis shoes must be black and/or white only. Uniform slips will begin this week. If you are waiting on Dennis or PE uniforms to be delivered, please let me know.  Thank you!

*Please return Family Envelopes and Parent Folders the following school day. Sign and return Responsibility Sheets. If you did not return the Parent Folder, your Responsibility Sheet will go home next week. 

*Be sure to pack a snack on noon dismissal days. If your child is going to the Student Center on noon dismissal days, make sure they have a lunch.

*Please be on time for school. School begins promptly at 8am. Doors are open at 7:45, giving ample time for students to unpack and get ready for the day.  

September 9-13

Sharing Topic

Family Picture

Mon. 9/9

Picture Day

2:45 Dismissal

Tues. 9/10

Sharing #1-7


2:45 Dismissal

Wed. 9/11

Sharing #8-14

2:45 Dismissal

Thurs. 9/12

Sharing # 15-21

Morning Assembly @ 8:10 am


2:45 Dismissal

Fri. 9/13

Sharing #22-29

Noon Dismissal

Religion - Who is Jesus Christ?  Jesus had a family, review the names of Jesus’ family members, and the Faith Words and their definitions (Mary, angel, Holy Family, heaven; Virtue of the Month is Hope; Saint of the Month - St. Joseph

Language Arts - Daily Language: opening routine, read aloud, oral vocabulary.  Word Work: letter names Kk-Oo (letter recognition and correct letter formation) and sight words I, the.   Skills: Reading, fluency, and comprehension.  Grammar: nouns for people.  Writing: Narrative writing.

Math - review sorting object by likeness and differences of attributes and sorting by color, shape, and size; and sorting more than one way. Introduce solid shapes (cones, cylinders, spheres, cubes, and rectangular prisms). Find out how each solid shape moves (stack, slide, and/or roll).

Science - Scientists and Engineers: students will learn that they can be scientists and engineers. Go over lab rules and safety. Experiment - sink or float

Social Studies - Responsibility: Students will learn that a responsibility is a duty to do or not do something and will discuss examples of individual responsibility and privacy. They will learn about student responsibility from school life of long ago. 

Learning Games

IXL will begin soon. Lookout for log-in information in the coming weeks.