Welcome to Systems Realization Laboratory @ Florida Institute of Technology

SRL@FIT Logo: We view engineering design as the continuous engagement between humans and computers to formulate and solve complex problems in the word. The fundamental role of the human designer is to make decisions given the information available. We show the gears to represent the engagement and disengagement between the human and the computer. The human designer engages the computer gear when performing computer/simulation-based design and disengages the gear when performing a human-centered design. The goal here is to facilitate a situation where humans co-design with computers to solve complex socio-technical problems in the world. The engagement with the globe gear is thus important as we are looking at the global market.

SRL @ FIT Mission

SRL@FIT aims to be a multicultural, multidisciplinary academic family focused on educating the next generation of engineers and professors.

Our goal is to provide an opportunity for each person to learn how to dream and rise to his/her full potential and contribute to the scholarship associated with the realization of complex engineered systems. We are focused on fundamental research in the realization of complex engineered systems.

Learn more about SRL@FIT and opportunities in the next pages...

Principal Investigator

 Anand Balu Nellippallil, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor

Department of Mechanical and Civil Engineering

Florida Institute of Technology

Office: OEC 210, 150 W. University Blvd.,Melbourne, FL 32901

Mobile: +1 405-979-0894

Email: anellippallil@fit.edu 

Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=5cmm4jgAAAAJ&hl=en 

Webpage: https://www.fit.edu/faculty-profiles/n/anand-balu-nellippallil/

SRL@FIT Research Poster - Fall 2020 (Click here for pdf copy)

SRL@FIT - Foundations and Vision

We recognize that in order to foster the integrated realization of materials, products and manufacturing processes, there is a need to not just design, but facilitate co-design. We define co-design as the ability of a network of participants, that includes material scientists, systems designers, software developers, and end customers to come together and share material/product/manufacturing process/market data, information, knowledge, and resources instantly and thereby collaborate to facilitate cost-effective co-creation of value supporting open innovation.

Our foundational premise is that systems-based co-design makes it possible for tailoring materials, their processing paths, and the end products constituted by these materials in an integrated fashion for challenging applications to satisfy conflicting product and process level property and performance requirements. Accordingly, we establish a systems-based design architecture that includes systems-level synthesis methods and tools for the robust co-design of complex materials, products, and associated manufacturing processes starting from the end requirements. The core question that we address is:

What are the theoretical, mathematical and computational foundations needed for establishing a comprehensive systems-based design architecture to realize the robust co-design of the product, its environment, manufacturing processes and material as a system?