Sriya Sridhar

Legal Professional | Technology and Data Protection Law | Aspiring Educator| Mentor

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I'm Sriya Sridhar. I'm a lawyer by training, passionate about the future of digital governance, and the interplay between regulation and innovation. Holding a BA LLB from Jindal Global Law School and currently pursuing my LLM in Innovation, Technology and Law from the University of Edinburgh (ending May 2025), I've honed my legal expertise and embarked on a multifaceted career journey. 

With a solid academic foundation, I have experience with both a leading law firm and the in-house legal world in the highly regulated space of fintech and data, gaining invaluable experience across various legal domains. I am a Legal 500 Recommended lawyer in the fields of Intellectual Property and Data Protection. My professional endeavors encompass regulatory compliance, cybersecurity, commercial contracting, IP law, litigation, dispute resolution, and general corporate advisory. I regularly speak to law students about careers and educational development.

While I complete my LLM degree, I am looking to build my academic portfolio by assisting with writing and publications in varied areas of law. I am particularly interested in research on Digital Public Infrastructure, data protection law and examining regulation and innovation as co-dependent processes, sustainable digital governance, financial inclusion, and people’s participation in regulation on their data and privacy. I am also looking to develop a technical understanding of AI to effective contribute to policy in this space. 

But it's not just about work; it's about my unwavering commitment to education. In the near future, I am looking to build a career in legal academia and research, to formulate thoughtful courses and meaningful discourse in tech, law and society. Few things make me happier than teaching and interacting with the next generation of lawyers, and I can't wait to get started.