The Gayatri is a life-enhancing prayer. The ancient texts say that repeating the mantra 10 times daily removes the sins of this life, 100 times daily removes the sins of your previous life, and 1000 times daily removes the sins of three yugas (innumerable lives).

The Shani or Shaniwara Gayatri mantra is to praise Lord Shani and get rid of the malefic and ill impacts of planet Saturn in the natal chart of the person. It also helps people stay away from problems during Sade Sati times and eliminates sorrows and pains from the life of the people. It also calms people down from anxiety, stress, and negative energies. Therefore, if you recite this Gayatri mantra regularly, you will seek benefits like good Karma and trouble-free life from all misdeeds and fickle minds. Even during the Shani Mahadasha, chanting this mantra will be highly auspicious for people who have weak or malefic Shani in their horoscope.

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As per astrology, the Rahu Gayatri mantra is to please planet Rahu. People who have Kaal Sarp Dosha in their horoscope can chant this mantra for auspicious results and better times ahead. With that, if you recite this mantra regularly, you shall attain victory over your enemies and feel a reduction in the ailments caused by planet Rahu. Also, it favours people who have sudden opportunities in their lives and keep away from evil energies that may be around them. Along with it, if you chant this Gayatri mantra, you may get success and wealth in your life, and the luck factor would be on your side too.

The Ketu Gayatri mantra in Vedic astrology is for the people who face hard times during the Ketu Mahadasha. Along with it, this Gayatri mantra also helps people with the occult and psychic knowledge and enhances their interest in the same. Removing all the negative impacts of Ketu in the horoscope would help you attain courage, fame, and confidence in your life. You shall be away from accidents and diseases, and your spiritual knowledge will increase drastically. Moreover, you would also develop a keen interest in ashrams and tantras. This Gayatri mantra in Vedic astrology will also let you pass troubles like loss of reputation and status and regain your material wealth effortlessly.

The Gayatri mantra is cited widely in Hindu texts, such as the mantra listings of the rauta liturgy,[note 3][note 4] and cited several times in the Brahmanams and the Srauta-sutras.[note 5][note 6] It is also cited in a number of grhyasutras, mostly in connection with the upanayana ceremony[35] in which it has a significant role.

Imparting the Gayatri mantra to young Hindu men is an important part of the traditional upanayana ceremony, which marks the beginning of study of the Vedas. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan described this as the essence of the ceremony,[21] which is sometimes called "Gayatri diksha", i.e. initiation into the Gayatri mantra.[40] However, traditionally, the stanza RV.3.62.10 is imparted only to Brahmana. Other Gayatri verses are used in the upanayana ceremony are: RV.1.35.2, in the tristubh meter, for a kshatriya and either RV.1.35.9 or RV.4.40.5 in the jagati meter for a Vaishya.[41]

Yesterday in the evening I made all the arrangements and I sat for the evening japa. Having done a few sadhanas by now, I knew that I took more time to chant than others because I like to chant the mantra slowly. It helps me to connect with the mantra more. So I decided to chant 3 rounds for the Sri Suktam Sadhana which would take me atleast 3 hours. After the purification I started my japa. I had assumed that after about 20-30 chants I would be able to chant the mantra for the day with my eyes closed, because looking at the mantra and chanting hampers my concentration. But the mantra was wayy too long and there were too many beejas which I was mispronouncing from time to time. Even after the first 20 times, I had to look at my phone every time I chanted the mantra. I could not concentrate, I was not in a meditative state and to top it all off I did not feel even an ounce of devotion towards Goddess Lakshmi.

Chanting a mantra is one way of receiving the benefits of that mantra.

However, it might be quite a difficult task to master the pronunciation of a mantra, especially if it is in a language that is foreign to you.

In that case, you can always gain the same benefits of a mantra by practicing mantra meditation. Simply put, mantra meditation is the practice of focused listening to a mantra while being in a meditative state.

Comparing the two, chanting and meditation, you should choose mantra meditation if you are at all in doubt or in difficulty regarding the pronunciation.

That's because not pronouncing the mantra right hampers its power drastically.

That said, even though it can at times be complicated to learn chanting, it is worth the effort. 

Chanting a mantra is an intensely satisfying, liberating experience that you must try to gain. e24fc04721

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