
Getting Started

  1. How do I become a professor/scientist/researcher?

  2. What is Computing Research anyway?

  3. In what area of Computer Science is this group doing research on?

  4. What background information do I need to research in this area?

  5. How do I choose a research topic to focus on 1?

  6. How do I choose a research topic to focus on 2?

  7. Where do I look for more information about my research topic/question?

  8. There are so many papers! How do I keep track of them?

  9. How do I read and evaluate a research paper?

  10. How do I actually "do" research?What steps do I take and skills do I need?

  11. I am not good in English writing. How do I improve?

  12. How do I write up my research? (SciWrite)

  13. I submitted a paper to a conference/journal. Will it get accepted?

  14. How do I talk about my research?

  15. Is there a code of ethics in research?

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