
Spanish Disclosure 1st Grade

Welcome to our Spanish program at Scholar Academy. I am so happy to be part of the Spanish department, and to be one of the teachers that will introduce your students to the wonders of learning a new language. 

Here is some information to get us started on the right foot!

Spanish Schedule:

To ensure the best attention and fun, each Spanish class will last 20 minutes and will be taught all week.

First grade is a big step in the life of your students, so practice and repetition are important keys when learning a second language. please ensure your student will be here every day at school, the classroom is the best place to master Spanish.

Classroom Management:

My goal is to create a safe and supportive classroom environment for all of our students. My classroom management is based on positive support and logical consequences. Scholar Academy will be using the Great Expectations program to foster community spirit and a culture of respect.  We are going to learn some of words that reflect the guidelines of  Great Expectations in Spanish.

Students will learn to regulate their own behavior. “Cool off” times may be used in the classroom, the student will be ask to leave the rug and sit in other spot for 2 min, after that, I will be invite to join the class. For recurrent or overly disruptive behavior that threatens the learning of other students in the classroom a “crossover” room may be used. That means that a student will be sent to a cooperating teacher’s room. While the student is in the crossover room, they are to draw or write a solution to the behavior problem. Crossover is meant as a reflection and reset time, not as a punishment.

Citizenship Grading:

H =0-1 behavior infractions

S =2-3 behavior infractions

N =4-5 behavior infractions

U =6+ behavior infractions 

I believe that it is important to have a reliable form of communication. For that reason, if you need to contact me, I am available after school from 3:15 to 4:00. You can also send me an email at cvega@scholarcharter.org.

I want to thank you and express how happy I feel to be working with your kids this school year!