Bienvenidos a mi clase

! Hola! ¿Qué tal? My name is Cila Vega, but everyone calls me Sra. Vega. This is my second year being the Elementary Spanish Coordinator, and it is a joy to welcome you to another exciting year full of activities. This will be my tenth year at Scholar Academy in the Spanish Department, and let me tell you that every year I am surprised by our students' ability to master a foreign language like Spanish.

Our objective at the Spanish department is to expose students to Spanish, help them develop language skills, and have fun while doing so.

This year, all our professors and instructors are native Spanish speakers with a wide range of educational tactics and methodologies. We follow the "Descubre" Santillana Language program.  Students in this curriculum gain access to Spanish audio, movies, and animations, as well as build geographical and cultural understanding.

Some facts about myself: I am from Mexico City, one of the world's largest cities. I had never considered leaving my country, but my life changed dramatically twenty-two years ago. A corporation in the United States employed my spouse. We gave up our metropolitan life and relocated to the small town of Jackson, Alabama. We relocated to Atlanta, Georgia two years later, and then to Stansbury Park, Utah a few years after that. We've lived here for eighteen years now and truly enjoy it

My family consists of my husband, two girls and our dog. Funny story: everyone, including the dog is bilingual!

I have a strong interest in books and am constantly reading. I also enjoy cooking, hiking, and spending time with my family.

I have a bachelor's degree in science, with an emphasis in food technology. For ten years, I worked as a Technical Adviser in Mexico. I received my APT teaching certification in 2022 and have sixteen years of teaching experience.

All of these years spent outside of my home country have taught me the value of respecting and embracing other cultures, since at the end of the day, we are more alike than we are different.

This year, I am thrilled to be a part of the Scholar Faculty team, and I am looking forward to making the Spanish learning process enjoyable and engaging. Let's all work together to make this a fantastic academic year!