Strategic Reasoning in Automated Mechanism Design @ KR 2023 

A tutorial by Aniello Murano (University of Naples Federico II) and Munyque Mittelmann (University of Naples Federico II).

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Slides: Part 1, Part 2.1, Part 2.2

Brief Description

The tutorial will give an overview of the application of logics for strategic reasoning in Mechanism Design, a central problem in economics that consists of designing new games for aggregating preferences in Multi-Agent Systems (MAS). The aim is to show how to use extensions of Strategy Logic (SL) for

We will address first the basic background on logics for strategic reasoning in MAS and the relevant decision problems for mechanism design. Next, we recall classical concepts from economics and show how we can capture them with SL. We then explain how to automatically verify and synthesize mechanisms using concurrent game structures and SL specifications. We provide examples of mechanisms and economic properties that can be captured using this approach. 


Target Audience and Learning Goals

The tutorial will assume some basic knowledge of propositional, modal, or temporal logic. The tutorial introduces a bridge between two large scientific communities that participate actively in KR, so the potential audience is wide. In particular, the target audience consists on 

The learning goals are, first, to learn the fundamentals of logics for strategic reasoning and Mechanisms Design. Second, the understanding of how formal reasoning can be applied to social choice problems and to ensure economic properties.

Main References