Magnetic microwave device engineer positions available!

We are a spintronic quantum material laboratory (SQML) at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology ( Our lab is developing magnetic microwave devices for high-frequency applications, e.g. sensor/actuator, transmitter/receiver, and quantum technology. We are looking for device engineers (research assistant or postdoc researcher) with related experiences.

Key Qualifications:

  • Fabrication
    • Concepts of basic MOSFET process
    • Hands-on experience on device fabrications (photolithography, dry etching, wet etching, e-beam evaporation, etc.)
    • Magnetron sputtering deposition experience is preferred
  • Microwave circuit experience
    • Solid electromagnetic knowledge
    • Familiar with VNA testing
    • Basic microwave circuit design (coplanar waveguide, GSG, etc.)
  • Magnetism knowledge
    • Basic concepts of magnetism and magnetic materials
  • Data Processing
    • Data collection (e.g. Labview or Python)
    • Data analysis using programming language (e.g. Matlab or Python)
  • Others
    • English writing/reading with related certificates
    • (Required for postdoc researcher position) Publications in the area of magnetic microwave devices


Please send your comprehensive CV to email: (initial response will be made within 2 days)