News & Events Archive

News & Events

November 8, 2019: We're hiring! Go to Opportunities at the top of the page and click Employment. We're ready to get to know you!

October 11-13, 2019: Cincinnati Coffee Festival is here! Check out our SMCC house blend being featured at La Terza's coffee booth.

September 13, 2019: With all the proper paper being sent in to the Hamilton County Health Department, City of Mt. Healthy, and Engineers, we are getting just weeks away from a solid opening date! That said... SMCC will be releasing an online job application within the week! Gearing up for Celebrate Mt. Healthy September 14, 3PM - 6PM.

August 19, 2019: We are working closely with all of our contractors to make sure that every inch of our space is perfect! Tom and our electrician, Ken are working on materials for our coffee bar.

July 3, 2019: Our team is collaborating with architects to make sure the proper layout is being set for all of our customers to appreciate.

June 2, 2019: We'll be serving hot & cold coffee and selling bags of beans at the Fibonacci Farmers' Market this Sunday June 2nd, come out and see us! You can download the Farmers' Market coffee menu with this link. Checkout the Fibonacci Brewing Company official website here:

May 8, 2019: Coffee Shop construction is officially underway, we'll be putting together a video of the progress and post a cool time lapse when we are done so everyone can see how the project evolved, so stay tuned. Once the designs have been completed and permits finalized, we'll be able to update everyone with an opening date. Thanks for all the patience and support!

May 2, 2019: The business is officially funded, WOOT WOOT!

Jan. 20, 2019: January continues to be a flurry of meetings and conference calls with design consultants, lawyers, accountants, and Cincinnati SCORE small business mentors. We're hitting the pavement and board rooms to get us squared away and ready to open as soon as everything is in place. Check back with us often to get the latest updates and event schedule.

December 2018: We cannot thank everyone enough about showing up at our pop-up announcement that happened every Saturday and Sunday in December. We are looking forward to more connections with customers and allowing friends, family, and even strangers meet, drink, and snack at Square Mile Coffee Company. Stay in touch on our Facebook and Instagram for updates.

Cheers everyone and Happy New Year!